Welcome to Target! Mrs. Traci Montague Mr. Bill McAllister
Meet Your Target Teachers ▪ Mr. Bill McAllister ▪ 5 th Grade ▪ 3 rd Grade Split ▪ 16 th year in Cobb County ▪ 6 th year in Gifted Services ▪ Mrs. Traci Montague ▪ 4 th Grade ▪ 3 rd Grade Split ▪ 20 th year in Cobb County ▪ 11 th year in Gifted Services ▪ Dually-certified BOTH teachers support the classroom teachers with their higher level learners at all times
Can both of these groups of equations be true? ▪ = 9 ▪ = 11 ▪ = 10 ▪ = 12 ▪ = 8 ▪ = 1 ▪ = 3 ▪ = 5 ▪ = 4
Our Mission To prepare gifted students for an ever-changing global marketplace where innovation is key and where they must be self- reflective, goal-oriented problem-seekers and solvers
The Mindset for the Gifted Program ▪ Ted Talk Ted Talk
How We Get There Concrete Abstract Simple Complex Product Process Fewer FacetsMulti Faceted More Structured More Open Guided Facilitated I am interested in HOW your child thinks, not just whether or not he/she can get the correct answer.
The ALP Program is process-driven. Our ultimate goal is for students to meet the standards. The content and activities help us reach these goals.
Gifted Standards
Gifted Programming Requirements ▪ STEM ▪ Communication through writing and speaking ▪ Advanced Research ▪ Social Responsibility outside of the classroom ▪ Technology Requirement (multi- media presentations, digital tools) ▪ Advanced Algebraic Reasoning ▪ All of these things are taught through THEMES ▪ UNITS are a thing of the past!
Themes to Support ALP Standards Medieval Era Robots and Environment Process-Based NOT Content-Based Interdisciplinary ▪ Humor FIELD TRIPS
Typical Target Day ▪ Cognitive Growth (Convergent/Divergent/Evaluative) – Problem Solving – Logic Puzzles – Brain Teasers – Pre-Algebraic/Algebraic Reasoning – Creative Thinking (FFOE) – Inquiry ▪ CCGPS Extension – Research – Connections – Debate – Discussions – Products – Technology Integration
Typical Target Day ▪ Affective Growth – Goal Setting – Self & Peer Reflection – Collaboration with other students – Communication with others – Respectful members of the community – Self-directed learners
Schedule ▪ One full day a week 8:15-1:45 ▪ Lunch – 3 rd 11:18-11:48 – 4 TH 11:58-12:28 – 5 TH 12:03-12:33
Expectations ▪ Advanced Level Projects ▪ Above & Beyond ▪ Homework ▪ Task Commitment ▪ Accountability ▪ Role Models ▪ Come to class each week prepared (NO Backpack) – Agenda, Target binder, pencil, paper, lunch/money, snack, book – Binder organized
Prevailing Practices Gifted students are not expected to make up missed regular classroom work or homework on scheduled Target day Target homework permitted on Target day Students are responsible for missed work due to absence Appointments on Target days Review EAGLE Update, Target Tally and agenda daily
Our Target Classroom ▪ OK to take risks and make mistakes! ▪ Self-directed learners ▪ Active Listening ▪ Engaged participants *WE SUPPORT & ENCOURAGE EACH OTHER*
▪ In standards-based instruction and assessment: – Standards provide the what. – Instruction provides the how. – Assessments are used to determine the student level of mastery. The Core of Quality Instruction
▪ Performance Based ▪ Selected Response ▪ Constructed Response ▪ Informal How are assessments gathered in Target?
Target Progress Report Aligns with the Gifted Standards The expectations increase in complexity across grade levels Administered quarterly Grades NOT on Synergy
Assessment Indicators (S) Successful: When a student consistently and independently demonstrates outcomes supporting grade-level standards and elements. (P) Progressing: When a student demonstrates outcomes supporting grade-level standards and elements with support. (D) Does not Meet: When a student has limited progress in demonstration of outcomes supporting grade-level standards and elements.
IMPORTANT!! ▪ I am reporting your child’s progress at the standards, NOT grading your child in Target. ▪ Progressing is NOT equivalent to a “C” ▪ P’s and S’s mean that your child is being successful in Target
▪ Continuation Criteria – Located at the bottom of the progress report ▪ Probation - When a student does not meet continuation criteria, he/she will be placed on probation (18 weeks minimum) with strategies implemented to help them become successful. Probation/Removal/Re-entry
Home/School Communication EAGLE Update in Agenda – behavior (BEST-please place child’s name in subject line) Target Tallies Weekly Blogs Conferences Phone calls
Goals for our Target Students: ▪ To create students who are able to transfer higher order thinking skills into all facets of their lives and be able to apply them in real world situations. ▪ To train students to “THINK ABOUT THEIR THINKING”
Teacher “Wish List” ▪ Individually Wrapped Candies ▪ Playground Equipment/Balls ▪ Plastic Baggies – Sandwich, gallon, and/or snack sizes