Jon Lomoy, Director Development Co-operation Directorate, OECD The Peer Review of Portugal January 19, 2011
Background Peer Reviews are a hallmark of OECD work. DAC Peer Reviews look specifically at development co-operation, what it is used for, how it is spent and how it is managed and organised. Peer Reviews serve a dual function of holding members accountable and collecting and sharing lessons in order to help donors to improve their aid, individually and collectively. The latest Peer Review of Portugal was held in Paris on 9 th November Secretary of State João Gomes Cravinho led the Portuguese delegation. Peer examiners came from Ireland and Finland, as well as an observer from Slovenia. They and a team from the OECD visited Portugal and Cape Verde.
Three important findings from the Peer Review of Portugal 1. Aid quality: Portugal is responsive and keen to improve the quality of its aid, although it faces some constraints. 2. Aid quantity: Portugal is not on track to meet its commitments. 3. Looking beyond aid: With the new legislation in place, Portugal can become a leader in working to improve policy coherence for development.
1. Progress in improving aid quality Portugal has made progress in implementing important recommendations from the last review: Strategic framework for development co- operation More strategic support to multilateral agencies Co-ordination of different Portuguese entities Evaluation and monitoring.
Challenges to further improvements There are some constraints to further progress and challenges, for example: Fragmentation, aid effectiveness, Budgeting system, inflexibility in human resource management. Prospects for untying, the private sector. Communication......
2. Falling behind on commitments to increase aid quantity
Aid quantity: where does Portugal rank? ODA as a per cent of GNI in 2009
3. Beyond aid: “policy coherence for development” New legislation/resolution means that Portugal can become a leader on PCD. The legislation sets out the three important “building blocks” (i) political commitment to PCD (ii) how co-ordination mechanisms will work and (iii) that progress will be monitored and reported to Parliament. What remains? – implementation, monitoring, and high level support for the D in PCD
Summary and the way forward 1. Aid quality: Good progress since the last peer review. Tackling some other issues will allow Portugal to go even further in the next five years. 2. Aid quantity: Badly off track. Once the economic situation improve Portugal needs to secure a path to meet its commitments. 3. Looking beyond aid: Others will now be watching Portugal to see how the new legislation is implemented in practice and what it achieves......Further progress in all three areas requires high level commitment and stakeholder engagement.....
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