N/X Welcome Visualization Needs for Counterterror and Intelligence Penn State, March 10-11, 2003
N/X 6 Network of Experts under the patronage of NATO RTO IST05/TG007 Welcome Thank you for coming here.
Dinner, etc.
Dinner &c. Dinner Menu in the agenda $23.00 Choices by 10:15 please Art museum Rodin’s Gate of Hell wow The Creamery Ben & Jerry learned here
TG-007 history Working since 1994 Visualization in Massive Datasets History that belies the number of years Data visualization to knowledge discovery In several steps DV to Infovis & text vis to KD Massive to multimedia datasets Military to defence to ubiquitous application
N/X acts for [advises] the TG A NATO patronage After 9-11, NATO asked what the TG’s [of which we are one] could contribute to the effort. This is intended in that spirit
Last year Workshop at Halden, Norway Set work and activity into motion The syndicate reports have made an impact in the host nations’ programs We selected among syndicates’ reports for the most significant for furtrher discussion.
Building from the Halden work As models and seeds Hope for development and elaboration Practical and theoretical
How this workshop will operate Provocations/plenary reports to stimulate thought Syndicates asked to build each from a previous report [from Halden] Report back
Syndicates’ operation—
Syndicates’ operation Designated moderator Charged to report back Wednesday pm Deck short discursive report in light of discussion. For publication in Procs, barring restriction Designated user representation A rep in your group, speaking for the major user community
Syndicates’ membership Membership by self selection I may balance for numbers Choose the topic that interests you Presentatiions available to look at Sign-up sheets Paper to read on each.
Syndicates’ topics Information Visualisation: Counterterror Intelligence Before Personal Decision Support Aids: Special Operations During Data & Information Resource Discovery After and ongoing Information Taxonomy: Presentation, Selection, and Design Ongoing