Teaching and Learning Coaches and School Accountability and School Improvement Jenny Flint 29 February 2008
Purpose To deepen our understanding of the School Accountability and Improvement Framework. To discuss School Accountability and Improvement in relation to our roles.
School Accountability and Improvement What contribution did you make in your role to whole school planning in your school/cluster in 2007? WARMWARM
What Does School Accountability and Improvement mean to you? 1. Use a Mind Map or suitable thinking tool to document what you know about School Accountability and Improvement 2. Add/ delete or modify as this session progresses 3. At the end of session: What 3 factors will influence your work as a T & L Coach? Why have you chosen these 3 factors? How will you use them?
Three Core Beliefs Core beliefs that frame all of our work whatever our responsibility: All children can learn Work hard get smart Failure is not an option How do the statements informed by these core beliefs impact on our work?
School Accountability and Improvement Framework How well owned and understood are the accountability processes across our school communities?
Levels of School Planning Four Year School Strategic Plan Annual Implementation Plan School Policies Principal Performance & Development Plan Sets the Direction Staff Performance & Development Plan Operationalises the Strategic Plan School Level Planning Individual Planning Detailed Project Plans
Design Principles of the Framework Sharpen the focus on student outcomes Differentiate accountability and compliance Recognise school difference Use of resources to support improvement Strengthen collaboration Integrate planning and reporting within single processes in the framework. Sharing responsibility Sharpen the focus on student outcomes Differentiate accountability and compliance Recognise school difference Use of resources to support improvement Strengthen collaboration Integrate planning and reporting within single processes in the framework. Sharing responsibility
Year in Self-Evaluation, Review and Planning DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJan School Self-Evaluation School Review School Strategic Plan Annual Report & AIP Annual Implementation Plan Annual Imp. Plan What are the challenges that face a leader in a school in a review year and subsequent years?
Key questions asked of each student outcome area:~ What did we aim to do? What did we achieve? Why did we achieve / not achieve our aims? How effectively did we manage our resources to support the achievement of our aims? What can we do in the future to continue to improve? Three areas can be interrelated as evidenced in the data. School Self Evaluation Student learning Pathways & Transitions Student engagement & wellbeing
Effective Schools 1. Professional Leadership 5. High expectations of all learners 2. Focus on Teaching & Learning 7. Learning Communities 3. Purposeful Teaching 4. Shared Vision & Goals 6. Accountability 8. Stimulating and secure learning environment necessary but not sufficient School Self Evaluation Activity Use the Effective Schools Model questions to discuss your role in 1,2 and 3.
A strategically focused school is one that is educationally effective in the short-term but has a clear framework and processes to translate core moral purpose and vision into excellent educational provision that is challenging and sustainable in the medium- to long-term. Brent Davies (U.K.) Add key words/ phrases to your Mind Map School Strategic Plan
Annual Implementation Plans Four Year School Strategic Plan
Annual Implementation Plan - Year 1 Where would your role fit into the AIP? Is your role acknowledged in the AIP? AIP
My role as Teaching and Learning Coach Which 3 factors will influence your work as a T & L Coach? Justify have you chosen these 3 factors How will you use them? Highlight factors/ Key word on Post It note Share factors/ ideas with one other person Categorise in Sub Regions Represent those categories Poem/ song/ drawing… Activity
School Accountability and Improvement REMEMBER: School Improvement happens at a school level and not at a system level… The essence of accountability is looking forward, using data to inform judgements about current performance and formulate plans for reasonable actions. Earl and Katz, 2003