Hannah Burton Laurison CPPW Action Institute | WASHINGTON, DC Pricing Strategies for Healthy Foods & Beverages
Public Health Law & Policy We are a nonprofit corporation that improves community health outcomes by building the capacity of public health leaders to use sophisticated legal and policy tools in their everyday practice. We are a multi-disciplinary team of lawyers, urban planners, policy analysts – many also with advanced training in public health; all committed to working with public health agencies and their community-based partners.
Our Focus Areas
Session Overview 1. Introduction How does price influence behavior? 2. Brainstorm What are your goals for getting the price right? 3. Overview of local strategies What tools are available?
MARKET FORCES + PUBLIC POLICY = PRICE Photo: icebox79deluxe. Flickr Creative Commons
How does price affect behavior?
38% 23% Photo: Special KRB Flickr Creative Commons
Do the poor pay more?
Photo: Rhonda Winter
Federal Food Policy Landscape
Credit: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Nutrition Assistance Programs
State and Local Food Policy Landscape
State and local taxes
Land Use Planning
Economic Development
where do people shop? RETAIL Grocery Corner stores Restaurants Mobile Vendors Vending Machines DIRECT MARKETS Farmers’ markets/CSA Urban Agriculture Community Gardens
Brainstorm! 1. Brainstorm policy strategies that impact price for each venue 2. Mark most promising strategies with a star 3. Rotate to the next venue, repeat steps 1-2
Healthy, Affordable Food in Grocery Stores
strategies for grocery Fresh food financing (grants/loans) Tax incentives Comprehensive planning and zoning Site/location assistance Workforce development Local hire policy Living wage policy
Healthy, Affordable Food in Corner Stores
strategies for small markets WIC/EBT participation Cooperative purchasing Business planning Infrastructure subsidies
Restaurants Offer Healthy, Affordable Food
strategies for restaurants Healthy food zones (esp. near schools) Ban toy give-aways with unhealthy meals Healthy menu certification
Healthy, Affordable Food from Mobile Vendors
strategies for mobile vending Incentivize healthy vending Restrict unhealthy vending Streamline fees and permitting
Healthy, Affordable Food from Vending Machines
strategies for vending Control which products are sold or advertised Control how products are sold
Healthy, Affordable Food in Farmers’ Markets
strategies for farmers’ markets Comprehensive planning and zoning Streamline fees and permitting EBT, WIC, FMNP Vouchers/Bonuses
Healthy, Affordable Food in Urban Agriculture
strategies for urban agriculture Comprehensive planning and zoning Support entrepreneurial ag Subsidize water & land EBT (seeds)
Fact SheetsModel Policies
Hannah Burton Laurison Public Health Law & Policy Thank you