The dogs are sleepy. V S The wind blew hard V S action linking body. Let’s Review
The 9 linking verbs are… amwasbe arewerebeen is seembecome Let’s use the Jingle Bells song to sing the linking verbs.
Let’s see if you can identify which two words in the sentence will be linked together with a linking verb. Yesterday, Tom _______ happy. was Today, Jane ________ happy. is Tomorrow, Pete will _____ happy. be
Link the subject and the adjective The dog was huge. They were funny. The test seems easy.
Infinitives “To infinity and beyond”
Keep in Mind Most sentences have a lot of words. Sometimes it may be easy to mistake some of those words for the MAIN verb. In other words, it may not be easy finding the verb.
Remember: Every sentence needs a verb. Without one, it is NOT a complete sentence.
M A R K Today we are finally going to find out what the letter M stands for.
M stands for… Mark out the imposter
What is an imposter?
An imposter is: – someone or something trying to look like someone or something else.
It is important to know the imposter from the “real thing”
Imposters Sometimes there are verbs in a sentence that are not the main verbs! (They are imposters.) Melanie likes to sing.
Which of the words is the “real” verb? V? V? Melanie likes to sing.
Which of the words is the “real” verb? Real Verb Melanie likes to sing. Melanie likes to sing. Mind action
Find the “Imposter” Imposter Melanie likes to sing. The infinitive in this sentence is ‘to sing’. The infinitive in this sentence is ‘to sing’. It is the imposter. It is the imposter.
to +(verb) Formula: SV I Melanie likes to sing. Infinitives
An Infinitive is two words: The word ‘to’ and a verb. Infinitives
to jump to paint to think Infinitives
to + a verb to run, to throw, to dance to think, to imagine, to remember to be, to become, to seem
Do NOT confuse: too (which means also) Or two (the number) with to Be Careful!
some infinitives * Write at least ten down on your worksheet. Let’s Brainstorm
M A R K I need to mark out the infinitive. So, I’ll ask myself: “Is the word ‘to’ in the sentence followed by a verb?” What do I need to do first?
M A R K I’ll Mark it off with an ‘I’ for infinitive. I Kevin likes to surf If the answer is “yes”
M A R K I Kevin likes to surf Ask “Is there a verb”? V
M A R K Who or what likes to surf? S V I Kevin likes to surf Root out the subject
M A R K S V I Kevin likes to surf. Key in on the beginning, middle and end. (Capital…makes sense… end punctuation)
Learning Sheet 6A Wallis likes to read mystery novels. 1.M= mark out the infinitive. 2.A = ask is there a verb 3.R = root out the subject ( who or what…) 4.K = key in on capital, end punctuation and makes sense, I VS
M A R K Now it is time for some practice! Sheet 6A – See if you can do the steps to on your own!