HOŘICE „The Town of stone beauty“
General information inhabitants to 25 km northwest by Hradec Králové 20 km southeastern by Jičín
History of Town Žižka defeated troop feudal union 15. stol.- Hořice divided on 4 parts big boom economics in town Albrecht z Valdštejna owns Hořice campaign Napoleonic´s armies over Hořice foundation of stone-working and masonry school
Present of Town foundation Gallery of statue first Motorcycle Race 300 Serpentines of Gustav Havel put foundation stone the Masaryk Independence Tower first international sculptural symposium opening sport centre including swimming pool development industrial area
Sights of Hořice Church of the Nativity of Our Lady Church of St. Godehard The Marian or plague column The Masaryk Independence Tower Muzeum The sandstone Rieger´s obelisk Old Jewish cemetery
Church of the Nativity of Our Lady ( ) primary church
Church of the Nativity of Our Lady ( ) present church
Church of the Nativity of Our Lady ( )
Church of St. Godehard 12. century
The Marian or plague column (1824) 1824
The Masaryk Independence Tower
The sandstone Rieger´s obelisk
Old Jewish cemetery
Tourist attractions Hill of statuary Cemetery portal View tower of Hořice Hurst The Smetana Park The Sculpture Gallery
Hill of statuary
Cemetery portal
View tower of Hořice Hurst (1998, 41m)
The Smetana Park
The Sculpture Gallery
Events and rarity Production of Hořice Rolls 300 Serpentines of Gustav Havel Tourist Trophy Imitation of mountain climbing wall
Hořice Rolls
300 Serpentines of Gustav Havel
Tourist Trophy
Imitation of mountain climbing wall