Welcome To Sports Medicine 1 Instructor Melissa Tice; ATC, LAT
About Me Licensed and certified athletic trainer Texas Wesleyan University Castleberry High School From Fort Worth, Texas 2 nd Year at LHS
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Instructor Introduction Melissa Tice; ATC, LAT Office – Field House Athletic Training Room Phone – Phone – – – -best method
Purpose Introduce students to the profession of Athletic Training. Recruit student athletic trainers Give a state approved elective credit that counts toward graduation. Provide a challenging “college style” lecture class that is also fun. KTkBMk KTkBMk
Textbooks Limited amount- In Class Set Textbook for references –Essentials of Athletic Injury Management Prentice & Arnheim –Athletic Training for Student Assistants Lorin A. Cartwright & William A. Pitney Printed handouts
Technology Usage DO NOT ABUSE THIS! Use for EDUCATIONAL purposes only If it becomes a disruption…your technology device will be will be removed until the class in over –If you give me teaching time I will give you technology time
Grades Daily Work (15%) Quizzes (25%) Unit Tests/Projects/Presentations (60%) If you are absent, YOU are responsible for finding what you missed –I will have a folder for all missed assignments, it is your responsibility to come and get the missed work from the folders
Daily Work Daily work is designed to prepare, reinforce, and support the class lectures. It will be assigned as needed in order to best prepare you for tests and exams. Late work is 10 points off!
Quizzes You may or may not know when we will have a quiz. Quizzes will generally cover material that was discussed the day before, but all material covered in the book and lectures are subject to quizzes. We will try to have around 10 quizzes a semester and your lowest quiz grade will be dropped. If you are absent the day before or day of a quiz you will be exempt from that quiz and will count as your dropped quiz.
Projects/Presentations Count as a test grade Will be given class time to prepare but outside time will be required to earn an “A” Grading rubrics will be given for each project before the project is due
Unit Tests Unit tests encompass objective questions including matching, fill in the blank, multiple choice, and short answer. Tests will be scheduled after the completion of chapter notes and work. We will review the day before a test. Any student scoring below a 70% will be given the opportunity to correct their tests, in order to earn half credit up to 70%. Talking during a test will result in a 0!
Exams [Mid-Term, Final] (20%) Mid-Term and Final Exams are comprehensive and multiple choice. Reviews and Tutorials Study guides will be given to help students prepare for exams. Students can also set up times to meet for tutorials and additional help
Lecture Schedule Intro to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training Anatomy, medical terminology Providing basic emergency care Joint specific injuries Nutrition and Pharmacology
How To Get Along With Coach Tice Be prepared Be respectful Participate Work Hard Put in effort
Notebook 3 ring binder Dividers Cover Page –Name, Course, Room #, Instructor Name Will do random notebook checks for daily grades. –Cant make up a 0 Keep all paperwork related to this class ORGANIZED in it.
Synopsis College level material College style pace Basic rules Hands on activities Lecture based learning
On Tap for Today 1) Instructor Introduction 2) Course Overview 1.Syllabus 2.Lecture Schedule 3.Expectations 4.Parent Letter 3) Ice Breaker 4) First quiz tomorrow over the syllabus