Competitive Events (Medical Photography & Career Health Display)
Medical Photography 2. SUBJECT OF PHOTO: The main subject of each photo should be a health professional in action. The photos should portray something about the profession or the skills of the professional. 2. SUBJECT OF PHOTO: The main subject of each photo should be a health professional in action. The photos should portray something about the profession or the skills of the professional. 3. The selection of the three healthcare professionals to be photographed is at the discretion of the competitor. The pictures must be of three different health professionals in three different careers. The selected professionals must be willing to share information about their career with the competitor, and must sign a release form that allows HOSA to use the photograph in the competitive event and in future HOSA publications. 3. The selection of the three healthcare professionals to be photographed is at the discretion of the competitor. The pictures must be of three different health professionals in three different careers. The selected professionals must be willing to share information about their career with the competitor, and must sign a release form that allows HOSA to use the photograph in the competitive event and in future HOSA publications. 8. Competitors shall report to the site of the event at the pre-assigned appointment time. He or she will bring the envelope with the printed photos in sheet protectors, narratives and permission forms, and the CD-ROM. The competitor will sit with the judges and show each picture. The competitor will have a maximum of three (3) minutes (approximately one minute per photo) to present the pictures, describe the profession, and explain what is happening in the picture. The competitor is not permitted to use written notes during the presentation. The competitor will be stopped at the end of the three (3) minutes. 8. Competitors shall report to the site of the event at the pre-assigned appointment time. He or she will bring the envelope with the printed photos in sheet protectors, narratives and permission forms, and the CD-ROM. The competitor will sit with the judges and show each picture. The competitor will have a maximum of three (3) minutes (approximately one minute per photo) to present the pictures, describe the profession, and explain what is happening in the picture. The competitor is not permitted to use written notes during the presentation. The competitor will be stopped at the end of the three (3) minutes.
Career Health Display 3. The display must be presented by a team of two. One healthcare career or a cluster of related health careers may be presented. 3. The display must be presented by a team of two. One healthcare career or a cluster of related health careers may be presented. 4. The work must be the work of the competitors, including the artistic aspects of the display. 4. The work must be the work of the competitors, including the artistic aspects of the display. Allowable artwork may include: Allowable artwork may include: – Competitor produced computer graphics. – Clip art used in compliance with copyright laws. – Photographs used in compliance with copyright laws. – Computer or machine generated lettering. 5.The display must be able to stand on a standard conference table furnished on site. 5.The display must be able to stand on a standard conference table furnished on site. If 8 ft. tables or banquet rounds are used, there will be two displays per table. If 8 ft. tables or banquet rounds are used, there will be two displays per table. Science Fair display boards meeting the maximum dimensions are acceptable. Science Fair display boards meeting the maximum dimensions are acceptable. The maximum dimensions are: The maximum dimensions are: –HEIGHT: 3 feet WIDTH: 4 feet DEPTH: 2 feet