3 rd Marking Period Assignments
3 rd Marking Period Ends APRIL 2, 2014 7 Assignments are due as follow: Jan. 31 Feb. 10 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Mar. 28
Use available light to capture and interesting portrait of a person T-Max 400 Tripod and cable release (if needed) Reflector North facing window or no direct sunlight Window not in frame See handout for more details.
Use available light to capture and interesting night time scene T-Max 400 Tripod and cable release Use chart provided and BRACKET your exposures Cannot use a light meter See handout for more details.
Long-exposure photography or time-exposure photography involves using a long-duration shutter speed to sharply capture the stationary elements of images while blurring, smearing, or obscuring the moving elements. The paths of moving light sources become clearly visible. Light Painting - in this technique, a scene is kept very dark and the photographer or an assistant takes a light source—it can be small penlight—and moves it about in patterns. The light source can be turned off between strokes. Often, stationary objects in the scene are illuminated by briefly turning on studio lights, by one or more flashes from a strobe light, or by increasing the aperture.
TECHNIQUE: T-Max 100 Tripod and cable release Experiment with shooting car light trails and light painting Shoot at f/8 (a middle aperture) Try varying exposure times. Start with 1 second and increase times at 2 second intervals until 15 seconds then try in intervals of 5 seconds until 40 seconds then try 50 and 60 seconds. The more variations you shoot, the better chance you have a capturing moving lights. g-exposure-photography-ideas/ g-exposure-photography-ideas/
Photograph the various types of LINES. Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal, “S” Curve and Jagged Film of your choice Pick 4 of the 5, print 3X5s and mount on one board. See handout for more details.