Examples of “Themes” in Art
Claude Monet Haystacks
Pablo Picasso Masks
Marilyn Monroe, skulls & shoes Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe, skulls & shoes
Roy Lichtenstein Comic strips
Still life with fruit & Mont Sainte-Victoire Paul Cezanne Still life with fruit & Mont Sainte-Victoire
Mary Cassatt Women & children
Lucian Freud Portraits
Jean-Michel Basquiat Jazz
Your Turn! Choose a theme You will be creating a total of 3 paintings Same steps as landscape and flower/animal: Find an image (from magazines) or object to draw/paint from Make a sketch on 9x12inch paper Get approval from teacher & then teacher will give you watercolor paper Trace the 9x12inch box (from your sketch paper) onto the watercolor paper The first painting should take approximately 1 week.