How to be your own one-stop data shop! Eva Eisnaugle Assistant Director, Institutional Research Pfeiffer University
IPEDS ◦ Completions and 12 month enrollment (fall) ◦ Student Financial Aid (winter) ◦ Fall Enrollment, GRS, GRS200%, Finance, HR (spring) NCHEDS ◦ Tuition Fees and Charges, Summer School Enrollment, Degree Credit Enrollment (Oct) ◦ New UG Transfers, Home base of Students, Headcount enrolled by Age, Student Financial Aid Summary, Student Housing, Admissions Practices, FT Faculty, Type of Instruction (Nov)
IPEDS ◦ Completions and 12 month enrollment (fall) NCHEDS ◦ Degree Credit Enrollment (Oct)
To gain a better understanding of where your institutional data resides To better understand the relationship between tables in databases To be able to be an advocate for data quality In cases of GIGO, to help your institution become more efficient (why spend 40% of reporting time cleaning up data first?) To have more control over your workload (Oct/Nov and Mar/Apr deadline heavy!)
‘How to ODBC’ word document- keep this for your reference These are steps you will need to perform on your laptop on your network We can review them now so you have a sense of what steps to take- but if this is something you want to do then don’t forget to go back and reference the How-To document once you get back to work
Use import from excel tool to get all these excel sheets into Access:
Let’s first consider IPEDS Completions: ◦ Gender, Ethnicity, Award Level, First and Second Major Name, CIP Code, and Date Degree Conferred.
Degree needs to have been earned on or between 7/1/2010 and 6/30/2011: >#6/30/2010# And <#7/1/2011# We need to report on first and second majors AND- ethnicity is voluntarily reported- so everyone may not have a record
Do you have 627 first majors? How many bachelor level females graduated this year? What would you do at this point with the results?
Gender, ethnicity, academic division, hours enrolled, enrolled in for-credit courses (unduplicated headcount)
Similar to IPEDS 12 month completion, but based only on Fall enrollment and need to know full-time/part-time status of students as well.
The more you work with the data, the easier it gets Fun to get another coworker involved so you can see if you both get the same results Helps to keep an excel sheet of table names and fields