Map the MS4 conveyances Locate all outfalls Conduct dry weather screening of outfalls Develop & enforce an Illicit Discharge Ordinance in the MS4 area Investigate outfalls with dry weather flow to detect & eliminate illicit discharges in the MS4 area Provide targeted education about non-stormwater discharges to the storm sewer system
Investigate citizen complaints of illicit discharge in the MS4 area & county-wide stormwater district Provide leadership & support for addressing large-scale illicit discharge problems
In office: IDEM defines MS4 area Identify receiving waters for NOI Define HUC-14 watersheds for each receiving water
In field: Outfall Reconnaissance Inventory Walk or float all receiving waters looking for outfalls from any size pipe or open drain
Document location of all outfalls to designated receiving waters Conduct dry weather screening of MS4 outfalls
In field testing: 1. YSI ProPlus handheld meter with 4 sensors pH conductivity dissolved oxygen ammonia 2. Samples for lab E. coli Atrazine 3. Macroinvertebrate survey for edges of MS4
Develop and enforce an Illicit Discharge Ordinance in the MS4 area 4 enforcement actions to date
detect and eliminate illicit discharges To be conducted over the remaining years in the NPDES permit cycle
Ongoing Schools Homeowners Businesses Media Handouts Door hangars Radio Presentations Displays
Anything "discharged" to receiving waters in MS4 or regulated drains in the county 30 complaints submitted to date ongoing
Failing septics in neighborhood situations investigation organization funding