Report on APIX meeting #4
What is APIX Forum? An association of Internet Exchange Providers (IXP) in Asia-Pacific region Goals and Objectives – To share information about technical, operational, and business issues and solutions regarding Internet Exchange.
APIX Forum Past meetings – Pre-meeting: Aug. 2009, at Beijing – Meeting #1: Mar. 2010, at Kuala Lumpur – Meeting #2: Aug. 2010, at Gold Coast – Meeting #3: Feb. 2011, at Hong Kong
Participants BBIX (JP) Dix-ie/NSPIXP3 (JP) Equinix (Asia Pacific) HKIX (HK) JPIX (JP) JPNAP (JP) AMS-IX (NL) Euro-IX (EU) KINX(KR) NIXI (IN) NP-IX (NP) SGIX (SG) SOX (SG) VNIX (VN) BDIX(BD) could not join APNIC 12 IXPs in Asia Pacific, 1 IXP from other regions, 1 IXP association, and 1 Supporting Org.
Agenda Greeting, and Agenda Bashing Roll call and IXP Update – traffic volume, recent topics. – impact of World IPv6 Day Technical discussion – Japanese Earthquake and its impact on Internet – 100G Interoperability Test for Internet Exchange Administrative topics – APIX bylaws Wrap-up
Summary Administrative Discussion – Shared the necessity of APIX bylaws. – Decided the schedule to achieve it by the next APIX meeting. – Will discuss continuously on the mailing list of APIX members. Technical discussion – Impact of World IPv6 Day on IX was very little, due to scarce IPv6 deployment. – Japanese Earthquake and tsunami gave less damage on IX and DC, but backbone, submarine cables, and access lines were severely damaged. – 100G Interoperability test conducted by JPNAP, Meeting was successful.
Next meeting To be determined… – probably in New Delhi, India, coexisting with APRICOT/APNIC meeting.
Acknowlegement This meeting can be held by courtesy of APNIC.
Thank you very much! Interim Co-Chairs: – Raphael Ho (Equinix) – Che-Hoo Cheng (HKIX) – Gaurab Raj Upadhaya (NP-IX) – Akira Kato (Dix-ie) – Katsuyasu Toyama (JPNAP)