QR Codes
What is a QR Code? QR stands for quick response. These codes can be found almost everywhere you go. They are used in business, advertising, news, and can be used for education.
What is their purpose? QR codes contain information that is available to everyone who has the technology to access it. The access to this information is instant.
How to Read QR Codes QR codes are read with a QR reader. There are free QR reader apps available for IOS and Android Devices. Also, a QR reader can be downloaded from the Internet on to a laptop or desktop computer. A webcam is required to read the codes.
Group Activity
How to Make QR Codes To create your own QR codes, you need a QR Code Generator. You can find many QR Code Generators on the Internet. They will allow you to create QR codes and save and print them from you computer.
QR Code Generators
Visit the website and let’s make a QR code.
Brainstorming Do you have ideas on how to use QR codes in your classroom or links to activities that other teachers may be able to use? Visit the Padlet for this professional development session at and share your ideas.
Suggestions for Use Label the codes Laminate Scavenger Hunt Offer incentives