Fibroma Fibroma More or less mature fibrous tissue consisting of interlacing bundles of mature fibroblasts, collagen fibres and few blood capillaries
FIBROSARCOMA Highly cellular, plumped spindle shaped cells, architecture disarray, cellular and nuclear pleomorphism, frequent and abnormal mitotic figures & necrosis
Lipoma Lobules of mature clear fat cells resembling normal cells with no pleomorphism separated by thin fibro-vascular septa
liposarcoma Liposarcoma is composed of large bizarre lipoblasts (primitive nucleated fat cells with clear vacuolated cytoplasm ) with mitoses and pleomorphism
FIBROUS HISTIOCYTOMA Benign fibrous histiocytoma : proliferating spindle shaped cells arranged in storiform pattern, foam cells, hemosidrin deposits & multinucleated giant cells
RHABDOMYOSARCOMA Sheets of both oval & spindle shaped malignant cells showing all malignant criteria Rhabdomyoblast is the diagnostic cell in all types (oval or elongated) (tadepole or strap cells ) with esinophilic eccentric granular cytoplasm containing cross striations
Alveolar soft part sarcoma - Dense fibrous trabeculae divide the tumor into compartments - Nests or islands of tumour cells are separated by thin walled vascular septa - Tumor cells are large, round to oval, with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, eccentric rounded nuclei and prominent nucleoli. - Central degeneration and loss of cohesion, result in pseudo alveolar pattern. Alveolar soft part sarcoma