Welcome ! April’s Monthly Dinner Mtg
The Greater Atlanta ASQ Section 1502 Healthcare Special Interest Group (HC-SIG) Information Mini-Workshop by Hamilton Plaza
Agenda What are Special Interest Groups (SIGs)? Who Should Be Involved? WIIFM?
What are Special Interest Groups? SIGs aka “Task Force” The formation of a sub-group within an ASQ Section or other larger entity lead by at least 8 active ASQ section members that focused on a specific area of interest such as Healthcare, Engineering, Management, etc.
The Purpose of a Healthcare SIG Healthcare SIGs (HC-SIG) provides its members value added activities to gain in- depth knowledge in specific healthcare topics and to serve our communities. The activities include topics of discussions, sponsor of healthcare speakers from within the region, tours of health-related facilities, case studies and other knowledge exchange activities.
The Purpose of a Healthcare SIG Sharing Quality Improvements with non- profit health organizations (i.e. community health clinics). The SIG serves as a two-way bridge for direct communications between the Healthcare Division (HCD) and its members. The HC-SIGs will be the “Agents of Change” “the boots on the ground” to deploy and implement some HCD initiatives & goals.
Management & Organization By-laws or operating procedures of a SIG must be in accordance with ASQ National and the Section by-laws & procedures. The Section actively supports the SIGs. The SIG Chair participates in the Section’s Executive Committee as a non-voting member. The SIG may elect officers as needed, except Treasurer. The Section and SIG fiscal year will be the same.
Formation Process – Section Level A Section member(s) approaches the Section Chair to form a Healthcare SIG by submitting a petition package containing the names of at least 8 active ASQ members, the mission statements and a preliminary six month schedule. The Section’s Chair and Executive Leadership Committee formally acknowledges and approval the HC-SIG’s petition. Upon approval, the HC-SIG members elect a Chair and other officers deemed necessary. The petition is forwarded to the HCD Chair or designee for acceptance.
Formation Process – Healthcare Div. The SIG Chair must agree to ASQ policy & procedure G “Policies and Procedures: Conflict of Interest-ASQ Member Leaders”. A completed copy of G Appendix A “Conflict of Interest-Member Leaders’ Conflict of Interest Declaration Form” is forward to the Healthcare Division Voice of the Customer Chair or designee. The Healthcare Division will provide written notice of acceptance to the Section and SIG chair.
Section’s Next Steps Formally announce the HC-SIG to the Section members (newsletter, website,etc.) The Section Chair grant the HC-SIG chair time during the Monthly Section Dinner meeting to make a presentation about the HC-SIG (i.e. the mission, elected officers and activities planned for the next six months. The HC-SIG Chair attends the Section’s Executive Committee meetings.
Who Should Be Involved? All Section members are welcome to join, participate, support and contribute. All Healthcare Division members are strongly encouraged to lead, facilitate and be Agents of Change (ACs).
WIIFM The Greater Atlanta ASQ Section 1502 Healthcare SIG is the first SIG in recent history to be formally recognized by the HCD. We are the pilot/model for other ASQ Sections. We created the process & publications about the formation of HC-SIGs in the HCD. We have a high visibility.
WIIFM “The Agents of Change” ‘B’ is for BHAG—Big Hairy Audacious Goal At our HCD leadership council retreat last December 2010 the group, by consensus, settled on a BHAG for the HCD over the next few years. That goal is: The HCD and its membership will materially contribute to the elimination of the $700 billion of annual healthcare waste 1 by enabling and equipping champions of performance excellence and continuous improvement in healthcare. We will do this by cost-effectively informing, educating and motivating our \HCD members to sustainably: “Improve Organization and Operational Excellence” “Increase Patient and Customer Satisfaction” “Change the Culture of Healthcare in a Positive Manner”
WIIFM-The Healthcare Division Role The Healthcare Division (HCD) will support the formation of HC-SIGs. The HC-SIGs is an opportunity to bring value to the ASQ HDC members. The HCD will engage the HC-SIG through routine communications. HCD will provide the SIGs with some annual goals and objectives, and seek SIG participation in national initiatives.
WIIFM-Here in My Section The opportunity to be an “Agent of Change”. Make a difference by serving and sharing our HEALTHCARE QUALITY knowledge through community activities. Publish articles in the HCD website, HCD Newsletter and in the Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare.
Acquire & share knowledge. Assume leadership roles locally and nationally. Be an “Healthcare Ambassador” for the Greater Atlanta ASQ Section 1502 and your Company. WIIFM-Here in My Section
Acknowledgements Jerome Lofton, Past Section Chair Ruffin Booth, Current Section Chair The Section’s Executive Committee Janet Busse, Luke Lovett, Mariette Grimes, Tara Brown, Judy Kern, Jerome Lofton, D Bossart, and Ruffin Booth. Sandy Reynolds Dr Joe Fortuna, HCD Chair
Q&As Any Questions?
Enjoy Your Dinner!