KMOS in a nutshell 24 movable IFUs, each 2.8”x2.8”, 0.2” spatial sampling 7.2’ diameter FOV wavelength coverage: 0.8 um to 2.5 um five spectral bands: IZ, YJ, H, K, HK R = 3400, 3600, 4000, 4200, 2000 three spectrographic channels, each with one spectrograph and one detector, one channel for eight IFUs
KMOS instrument overview
IFU pick-off arm
IFU arm stuck
KMOS observing modes
KMOS mosaic mode example
Raw data: Fits file with 3 extensions 8 IFUs per detector 2048 x 2048 pixel each 48 MB file size
Arc lamp
STD star exposure
Calib Map
Format of pipeline products Per detector:Per IFU:
Detector Split AB Level: Set Up QC Parameter Median Dark DIT=10sDet 1Det 2Det 3DIT=20sDet 1Det 2Det 3… Parameter Multiplicity: Detector Split
HC: Dark level
KMOS flat/arc lamp calibrations File DPR.TYPE Grating Filter Rotator Angle KMOS T14:25: fits WAVE,OFF HK Block KMOS T14:28: fits WAVE,LAMP HK HK KMOS T14:29: fits WAVE,LAMP HK HK KMOS T14:30: fits WAVE,LAMP HK HK KMOS T14:31: fits WAVE,LAMP HK HK KMOS T14:32: fits WAVE,LAMP HK HK KMOS T14:33: fits WAVE,LAMP HK HK
Detector Split Rotator Angle Split AB Level: Set Up QC Parameter FF positionHAngle=0Det 1Det 2Det 3Angle=60……Angle=300…K… Parameter Multiplicity: Rotator Angle Split
QC1 Database with rotator angle split pipefiledet_index (=1, 2, 3) slit_edge_x_0rot_angle_0… slit_edge_x_1rot_angle_1 slit_edge_x_2rot_angle_2 slit_edge_x_3rot_angle_3 slit_edge_x_4rot_angle_4 slit_edge_x_5rot_angle_5 slit_edge_x_6rot_angle_6
HC: FF position
HC: FF position vs. temperature
IFU Split AB Level: Set Up QC Parameter IFU efficiency HIFU 1IFU 2…IFU 24KIFU 1IFU 2…… Parameter Multiplicity: IFU Split
QC1 Database with IFU split pipefiledet_index (=1 always) throughput_ifu_01… throughput_ifu_02 … throughput_ifu_24