TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 DVS GIG Project Year 4&5 Project List Kelly Gaither, DVS Area Director
TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 Objective 3.1 Scheduling Hi-Level Objectives: Develop a cost policy for scheduling that includes on- demand, off-loading to under-utilized resources, and extreme size queues Transition co-scheduling tools into production Transition meta-scheduling tools into production Benefits to TeraGrid Project and Community enabling science that could not be done via co- scheduling on-demand, and meta-scheduling broadening the user base via cost-policy simplifying users lives via meta-scheduling enabling connections to external resources via meta- scheduling
TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 Objective 3.1 Scheduling Cont. Project Deliverables: Agreed upon cost policy - Q3 PY4 Production co-scheduling tools deployed on TG resources - Q2 PY4 Production meta-scheduling tools deployed on TG resources - Q4 PY4 Customer Classification: Resource providers, application developers, and scientists Personnel Requirements: 1.0 FTE
TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 Objective 3.2 Data Movement Performance Hi-Level Objectives: Establish production metrics for GridFTP transfer rates Map and instrument TG use of data movement tools across TG resources and from/to external locations Implement scheduled data movement tools Implement data mover in TG user portal Benefits to TeraGrid Project and Community Broadening the user base via data mover Simplifying users lives via data mover and scheduled data movements Improving operation via established metrices, improved reliability and instrumented data movement Enabling connections to external resources by building data movement map
TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 Objective 3.2 Data Movement Performance Cont. Project Deliverables: Established data movement performance metrics - Q2 PY4 Implemented data mover in TG user portal - Q4 PY4 Production tools for scheduled data movement - Q4 PY4 Complete map and instrumentation of data movement tools - Q4 PY4 Customer Classification: Resource provider, scientists Personnel Requirements: 1.3 FTE
TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 Objective 3.3 Global Wide Area File Systems Hi-Level Objectives Establish TG wide licensing agreement for GPFS- WAN Determine viability of Lustre-WAN Determine viability of PNFS as a possible replacement for GPFS-WAN Benefits to TeraGrid Project and Community Enabling science that could not be done via production wide area file systems across TG resources Simplifying users lives via production wide area file system across TG RP sites
TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 Objective 3.3 Global Wide Area File Systems Cont. Project Deliverables: Cross-site GPFS-WAN licensing or determination that it can not be done - Q2 PY4 Deployment of PNFS as a replacement for GPFS- WAN - Q4 PY5 Customer Classification: Resource providers, scientists Personnel Requirements: 1.0 FTE
TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 Objective 3.4 TeraGrid Wide Data Architect Design Hi-Level Objectives: Comprehensive data plan architected for a heterogeneous distributed set of resources Initiate and complete implementation of the data plan Benefits to TeraGrid Project and Community: Simplifying users lives by making a unified data architecture Improving operation by making a unified data architecture
TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 Objective 3.4 TeraGrid Wide Data Architect Design Project Deliverables: Written document - Q1 PY4 Documented consensus - Q2 PY4 Physical implementation - Q1 PY5 Customer Classification: Resource providers, Scientists Personnel Requirements: 0.5 FTE
TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 Objective 3.5 Visualization Hi-Level Objectives: Architect a comprehensive TG wide data analysis plan Establish policies, documentation and training that provides a comprehensive data analysis picture to the user community Full deployment of all TG visualization capabilities Expand resources and capabilities in the TG visualization gateway via integration into TG vis gateway Benefits to TeraGrid Project and Community Enabling science that could not be done via more comprehensive data analysis capabilities Broadening the user base via TG visualization gateway Simplifying users lives via visualization into workflow
TeraGrid Quarterly Meeting Dec 6-7, 2007 Objective 3.5 Visualization Project Deliverables: Full deployment of all TG visualization capabilities - Q3 PY4 Integration of RP tools into TG vis Gateway - Q1 PY5 Comprehensive visualization documentation and training - Q2 PY4 Customer Classification: Scientist Personnel Requirements: 0.5 FTE