Answering The Key Questions
Knowing that we believe is the first step. Knowing why we believe is the next step. Being able to explain our faith is essential to a good witness. Peter expected his church to be able to defend its teachings (I Peter 3.15) We may not have all the answers but we do have John 9.25
Before we look at the most common questions nonchristians ask, we should look at the end of verse 15, I Peter 3. Answer with gentleness. This means that we should think of our faith in a serious way. Not eveyone should study at a bible college, but we can all develop good answers to real questions. We shouldn’t fear questions– the Gospel has survived 2000 years of challenge.
The second thing to recall is what we discussed last week. Answers won’t bring conversion– but we are teamed up with Jesus and the Holy Spirit– already enthroned and already bringing all into subjection. How can we fear a witness when that’s our partners?
Now, when we witness, people ask questions. Usually, they are sincere. We need to treat these questions as sincere– and answer to the best of our ability. John Stott- rector of All Souls ( ) once said we don’t pander to intellectual arrogance but we must respond to intellectual integrity or curiosity.
So, what questions will we likely get? They aren’t what you think. The most common question is: what about a person who never heard of Jesus? How can God hold them accountable? How would you answer? Does the Bible address this? Trick question.
The second question: Is Jesus the only way? What about those who believe in Buddha or Mohammed? Faith, even sincere faith– isn’t the key. Faith in the truth is. Truth has had a bad time lately. Relativism is running its course– and people want truth
People often ask about miracles. How are they possible? What they are asking is whether science and the Bible can coexist. The question misrepresents science. Non-repeatable, unique events exist all the time. Ask if Jesus is “liar, lunatic or legend” The right question
Isn’t the Bible full of errors? The short answer is No. The longer answer is that you need specifics– which one does your person mean? Most people have no real example. And there are great books addressing these “errors.”
Isn’t your faith just psychological? The modern view is that Christ is real– for me. Many teens hold this view. Some polls show people hold more negative views of Christians than of gays. The resurrection is the answer. Not fables– which the Bible addresses. I Tim 1.4; Jude
The best question– doesn’t being moral get me credit with God? This is the real psychological faith question. This opens the door for a discussion of God’s character. Holiness. Justice. Love
Nonbelievers aren’t going to ask about deep theology. They will ask about what they know. Start there– and let them find the path. Remember– you are working with a net– Jesus the crucified. That makes witnessing easy– or easier.