Review Goal of this Series Developing active exhilarating faith experiencing God's intervention in our daily life. You can believe in God without believing God Faith is believing God It is time to synchronize what we say we believe and what we truly believe. What we truly believe is evident in our reality
What hinders our Paradise? Why are we living in the wilderness instead of going into the promise land Lack of knowledge and/or understanding Living in denial No expectation for better.
How to enter Paradise Faith in God Know that God has constraints on himself Understand that there are times God has no choice Working within the constraints God has placed on himself Putting God on the spot I am unable to change God – Believe God – Believe His Word.
Class III – We are at War We are at war!!! – There are giants in the Land This is not a drill or child’s play. 2 Corinthians 10:3 Ephesians 6:10 The enemy (Satan) is out to destroy you John 10:10 We must equip our selves for victory Ephesians 6:10 -18
The Amour of Amours The shield of Faith It protects all the other amour and makes them effective.
Vital Concept 1 Faith does not make God do anything He did not already plan to do We can never manipulate God to give us what we want We must cooperating with God so that He can give us what He wants.
Steps to build your faith Faith like the muscles of the body are built via exercise. The more you use it the strong it gets 3 exercise to build your faith Practise raising your shield Increase your personal level of sanctification Keep a journal of God-stops
Practise raising your shield Daily repeat/confess the Five principles of Active Faith. These Five principles will Empower us to believe God and depend on Him Develop a living, exhilarating faith that results in a continuous experience of Gods in intervention in our life
Five Principle of Active Faith God is who He says He is God can do what He says He can do I am who God says I am I can do what God says I can do God's word is alive and active in me
Increase your personal level of sanctification Joshua 3:5 Our sanctification provides God the opportunity to show off. When we separate ourselves to God, He is responsible for us Numbers 15: Choose something to set apart for God Have a physical symbol to remind you of it (use this lent period 40 days from before Easter which starts on Wednesday)
Journal God-stops GOD Savoring The Observable Presence Moments you notice God at work Journal Things you notice God doing Dreams Answered Prayers Things the make you say “Wow what a good God we serve”