SY PIMS/Educator Effectiveness/PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting Mini PPT for LEA Admin Use Provided by: PVAAS Statewide Team for PDE
What is PVAAS teacher- specific reporting? Estimates the effect of a teacher’s performance on the academic growth of a group of students. Taking into account both their endpoint and their entering achievement level. By concentrating on growth, PVAAS puts the emphasis on what educators can influence. 2
Counts Towards 1 st 3 Year Avg. 5
SY SY SY15-16= 1 st PVAAS 3 Year Rolling Average in SY
SY SY SY15-16= Next PVAAS 3 Year Rolling Average in SY
Which Teachers? A PA certified educator with full or partial responsibility for content specific instruction of the assessed eligible content as measured by a PA state assessment 8 Face to FaceOnline Instruction
What is content-specific instruction? Responsibility to plan the instruction of the assessed eligible content, provide the instruction of the assessed eligible content, and use the assessment information to evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction of the assessed eligible content on a PA state assessment. Defined on the Framework for Teaching by both Domains 1 and 3: Content specific instruction is a determination made locally by the LEA. Content /instruction may be preparing students to attain grade level standards. 9
PVAAS Teacher Reporting: Teachers in Which Tested Grades/Subjects/Courses? PSSA: With/Without Accommodations (Not PASA) o Grades 4-8: Reading and Math o Grades 4 & 8: Science o Grades 5 & 8: Writing Future: Transition into ELA Assessment Courses Culminating in Keystone Exams: With/Without Accommodations o Algebra I o Literature o Biology 10 Approximately 30-40% of your teaching staff will be eligible for a PVAAS teacher specific score
Essential Linkages in PIMS Make sure the right teachers are linked to the right students for the right proportion of instructional responsibility for the right tested grade/subject/course to yield PVAAS Teacher Reporting. 11 Teacher Student Proportion of Instructional Responsibility Course & Grade/Subject
New Terms: % Instructional Responsibility This % is your total Instructional Responsibility for a student. This % reflects how much the student will be weighted in the PVAAS analyses. The % Instructional Responsibility is calculated by multiplying the (% Student + Teacher Enrollment) by (Full or Partial % of Instruction). 12 % Student + Teacher Enrollment Full or Partial % of Instruction % Instructional Responsibility
Notes: Enrollment is NOT attendance All students must be accounted for at 100% for instruction o This occurs when teachers share instructional responsibility (i.e. 80/20) Teachers may receive less that 100% for students enrollment and instruction 13
Examples 100% Enrollment and Instruction Partial % Enrollment and Instruction days of school from day 1 to the first day of testing (March 18) 137/137=100% enrollment 100 instruction 100 X 100 = 100% Instructional Responsibility 120/137=87 enrollment 50% instruction 87 X.50 = 43.5 % 43% Instructional Responsibility
Instructional Responsibility is established…next? 15
Measuring Academic Growth in PVAAS Students don’t all start at the same place academically
Key Ideas for PVAAS Growth Measures No individual student growth measures! PVAAS Growth provides a measure of the growth of a teacher’s group of students Students serve as their own control
Achievement vs. Growth Measures students’ performance at a single point in time Highly correlated with students’ demographic background Measures students’ progress across time (i.e., across years and grade levels) Not related to demographic background when a student’s prior achievement is adequately accounted for; dependent on what happens as a result of schooling
Teacher Verified Roster Per Subject/Grade/Course
Why Would a Student NOT Be Included in the Analyses? Did not take the PA state assessment Took the PASA (alternative assessment) Did not have a sufficient testing history in prior years Is a first year ELL student Is a Foreign Exchange student Teacher’s Instructional Responsibility for a Student does NOT meet Minimum Threshold < 10%, then not included in the value-added analyses
Did all students take the test? Per Subject/Grade/Course
Did all students take the test? 2 students did not take the test - not included Did Not Take Test
% Instructional Responsibility 100% 50% 100% 5%
% Instructional Responsibility Any student <10% NOT Included 100% 5% 50% 100% 5%
Are there at least 11 different students? Actual N Count ≥ % 50% 100% YES Actual N=22
Instructional Responsibility Active N Count Must ≥ 6 100% 50% 100%
Instructional Responsibility Is there an Active N Count ≥ 6? 100% 50% 100% Actual N = 22 Active N = 19 students 100% = 1 Active YES
PA Data Teacher’s Group of Students All Prior Data Estimated Prior Achievement of Teacher’s Group of Students Measuring Growth: Students’ Starting Point
Prior Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Current Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Using the % Instructional Responsibility, students are weighted accordingly in the value-added analysis. Concept of Measuring Growth
Prior Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Current Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Using the % Instructional Responsibility, students are weighted accordingly in the value-added analysis. Concept of Measuring Growth
Prior Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Current Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Using the % Instructional Responsibility, students are weighted accordingly in the value-added analysis. Concept of Measuring Growth
Prior Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Current Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Using the % Instructional Responsibility, students are weighted accordingly in the value-added analysis. Concept of Measuring Growth
Prior Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Current Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Using the % Instructional Responsibility, students are weighted accordingly in the value-added analysis. Concept of Measuring Growth
Prior Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Current Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Using the % Instructional Responsibility, students are weighted accordingly in the value-added analysis. Concept of Measuring Growth
All Reporting: Same Color Legends
Will PVAAS teacher- specific reporting be reported publicly? Act 82 states that “An employee's individual rating form shall not be subject to disclosure under the act of February 14, 2008 (P.L. 6, No. 3), known as the "Right-to-Know Law." PDE will follow the law on non-disclosure.
Warrior Run Plan and Deadlines PIMS Submission #1 Closed Feb 3 o Entered ALL supporting teachers at 10% of all of the children that we can identify as linked with these teachers just to get everyone in the system. Talking to teachers during after school meetings From there, Michael will create a teacher advisory group The admin team will suggest some parameters for consideration for this group The teachers will share their thoughts on these parameters PIMS Correction Window Closes March 21 st 37
Warrior Run Plan and Deadlines District signs and ACS by April 11 th …everything moves into PVAAS ROSTER VERIFICATION 1. District screens initial info 2. Every teacher gets an individual PVAAS account to verify their information 3. Building verifies 4. District verifies 38
PVAAS Roster Verification Timelines Teachers (May 5-16) School Admins (May ) District Admins (June 2- 6) SAS EVAA S ® Strongly Recommended Make sure it is ready for your teachers! Strongly Recommended Make sure it is ready for your teachers! LEA Start-Up (April 28-May 2) PIMS: Window #1: Corrections Window:
From your LEA into PIMS 40
State provided training modules (75 minutes) -What is PVAAS Teacher Specific reporting and its purpose? -What is Roster Verification and why is it necessary? -Who verifies rosters? What is the timeline and process? -Which teachers will participate? -How will the data be used? -Accessing and navigating the system. -Guidance on percentage Instructional Responsibility (percentage of Student + Teacher Enrollment and percentage of Full/Partial Instruction) -Teacher Actions - What are the steps in the process? Adding/removing rosters Adding/removing students Editing instructional responsibility columns Submitting rosters Resources and Support. 41