1 Support Services Agency for Workforce Innovation August 2007
2 Support Services The RWB may offer support services to the following eligible Welfare Transition populations Applicants of Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Mandatory work program participants Recipients of TCA Transitional participants Those that leave TCA and are qualified Services may also be provided to divert an applicant from assistance, which are different than the “typical” applicant support services
3 Support Services-General Support services may only be offered to eligible individuals/families The Welfare Transition program is funded by Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) dollars Individuals/families receiving support services funded by TANF through the Welfare Transition program must be TANF eligible The Individual/family must also have a need for the support service
4 Applicant Support Services Individuals must first apply for cash assistance through the Department of Children and Families Applicants must complete required paperwork If the applicants are determined “work eligible,” they must also go to the local One- Stop Career Center and work register
5 Applicant Support Services Work registration includes Learning about employment services through the One-Stop Career Center Learning about the Welfare Transition program Program opportunities Program obligations to continue receiving assistance or support services
6 Applicant Support Services Applicant support services are designed to assist the individual while applying for cash assistance The application process may include Complying to lift a sanction Completing the work registration process Complying with work requirements Applicant support services may be provided for up- to 30 days during the application process
7 Because the individual is applying for cash assistance The data entry system may not have a case already built Or, the case may be closed in a different area The One-Stop Service Tracking (OSST) system has a mechanism to create an applicant case or “grab” a closed case from another area This is called “work registration” in OSST Applicant Support Services
8 Case managers may work register New customers who do not have an open case in OSST Customers with a closed case in another area This action “grabs” the case and pulls it to the case manager’s closed caseload Upon taking the appropriate action (registering a new case or “grabbing” a case), the user must Change the case status to applicant (if the status is “mandatory” or “transitional”) Enter the appropriate support service Enter the appropriate applicant activity Enter case notes Applicant Support Services
9 Support Services-Data Entry Register new customers by clicking on “Register new customers” on the OSST Desktop You may also grab a case by clicking on “Register new customers”
10 Diversion Services Diversion from cash assistance is a part of the work registration process Not all individuals applying for cash assistance need on-going payments Work registration provides the RWB or provider the opportunity to assess the applicant’s needs and determine if the participant Requires assistance to help resolve an emergency need Or needs on-going cash assistance
11 Diversion Services Eligibility requirements The individual must be an applicant of TANF funded cash assistance Filed an application for assistance with DCF The application is active The individual must be Potentially eligible for cash assistance TANF eligible
12 Diversion Services Eligibility requirements The individual must demonstrate an emergency need The individual must demonstrate that meeting the emergency need will lead to on- going income Getting a job Keeping a job
13 Diversion Services Documentation requirements The emergency need must be documented The applicant must sign the Up-Front Diversion Agreement
14 Diversion Services Data Entry requirements Enter the Diversion begin date The begin date is the date you meet with the applicant for an appointment for diversion consideration Enter the outcome and end date The outcome can be Approval or denial by RWB or Withdrawal of the application by the applicant The end date is the date outcome took place
15 Mandatory Services Work eligible individuals receiving temporary cash assistance (TCA) Are required to participate in the work program May receive support services to assist participants with complying with work activity requirements and other program requirements
16 Mandatory Services Participants receiving support services Must be TANF eligible Must demonstrate a need for a support services Must demonstrate participation in program requirements
17 Mandatory Services Documentation requirements Authorization must be documented Receipt of services must be documented Gas Cards Bus vouchers Gift cards Data entry Services must be recorded on the Skill Development screen Participation must be in the system
18 Transitional Services Participants leaving cash assistance with earnings may receive transitional support services Employment started (begin date) prior to closure alert received from DCF Cash did not close due to work program sanction Transitional services are not dependent on a FLORIDA code
19 Transitional Services Individual must be TANF eligible to receive transitional services Income must be under 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level Must meet the definition of family Must remain employed
20 Transitional Services The RWB can provide the following transitional services Transitional transportation Must be employed Must be job or education related Transitional child care Those that leave cash with a job or have left with diversion and secured a job in the required time period Are employed or are completing the 30-day job search activity Must be job or education related
21 Transitional Services Transitional education and training Must be employed Must be job related May include training to improve job skills in participants existing area of employment or To prepare for employment in another career
22 Transitional Services Are limited to “up to” two years from the last month of receipt of cash assistance The start of transitional services is based on the first month cash assistance is not received Must be reviewed for continued eligibility at least every three months Ensure the participant has retained employment Ensure the family definition is met Ensure the family’s income is less than 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (TANF eligibility)
23 Transitional Services Documentation Secure employment documentation, at minimum, every three months Ask for your region’s Local Operating Procedure regarding job retention follow-up The RWB may opt to meet with participants more frequently than every three months To encourage continued employment To assist participants with career planning To provide participants with more intense accountability and assistance
24 Transitional Services The provision of support services must be accompanied by Proof of continued employment
25 Transitional Services Data entry requirements Enter JPRs through the last month of cash assistance, then change the case status to transitional Desktop screen Select “Edit” under the Demographic section Enter job follow-ups Enter all services provided on the Skill Development screen
26 Frequently Asked Question If the customer loses his job, can they continue to get childcare? Transitional customers can get “job search” childcare for 30 days only If a job is not secured, a childcare termination letter must be sent to The local early learning coalition The participant A copy must also be retained in the case file If the customer secures a job prior to the two year period ending, childcare may be issued again
27 Frequently Asked Question What is the process for customers who fail to provide proof of continued employment? Send termination letter to local coalition Send termination letter to customer Retain a copy of the letter in the customer’s case file Offer the customer the opportunity to return employment documentation to secure services
28 Transitional Services Florida Statutes requires participants to be notified of the ability and process to receive transitional services Participants must be notified of the ability and the process to receive transitional services before the case closes on the workforce side
29 Support Services-General Documentation requirements The provision of support services must be documented Vouchers/referrals should be included in the file Signatures of receipt should be included appropriately The date the support service was provided should also be included RWBs should also account for all support services with monetary value Bus passes Gas cards Books/tools/tuition
30 Support Services-General Be sure to include case notes for actions taken on a participant’s case Case notes should include The reason the participant is receiving support services The support services being received Any additional engagement information
31 If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact the Welfare Transition Team through the Agency for Workforce Innovation’s Call Center at An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.