PEACE for Families Programs & Services Community Outreach Roberta L Malkin Crisis Intervention Counselor
PE Mission & Vision History Services My Role PEACE for Families
PE Provide effective and accessible services to individuals and families in Placer County who experience sexual assault and/or family violence, to be a proactive and visible source of related intervention, education and prevention services to the community PEACE for Families- Mission
PE Every woman, man and child has the basic right to lead a violence-free life. Thanks to PEACE for Families, victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Placer County have someone to turn to. PEACE for Families- Agency Vision
PE Idea began from college term paper 1974-Placer Awareness House 1978-Auburn Woman’s Center 1982-Non profit status & changed name to Placer Women’s Center 1994-PEACE for Families formed in Roseville PEACE for Families- History
PE 1997-Placer Women’s Center and PEACE for Families merged as one agency with help of United Way 2001-Board of Director adopted official name of PEACE for Families Placer Extends a Caring Environment PEACE for Families- History
24 Hour Crisis Line Confidential 24 hour Crisis Line Crisis Intervention, Safety Planning, Peer Counseling, Information, Support & Referrals
Emergency Safe House Emergency Safe House For battered women & children up to 90 days Secure and confidential location Services provided include: Peer counseling, ongoing advocacy, case management, legal services, daily empowerment classes, therapy, childcare
6 Month Recovery and Transitional Housing Program After successful graduation from Safe House Program Substance abuse prevention & continuation of all aspects of the standard Safe House DV Program
Supportive Housing Program Eligible to Safe House Program graduates Program includes case management, advocacy, life skills, budget training, ongoing therapy, & rental assistance
Legal Services Offered in Auburn & Roseville Temporary Restraining Orders Good Cause Safe at Home Court Accompaniment Legal Clinic at Roseville office Thursday 9:00AM-11:00AM
Therapy Programs Provided to all victims of DV/Sexual Assault Individual, family & children’s play therapy Sliding fee scale Weekly DV Support Group Roseville-Monday 9-10:30AM (in Spanish) Roseville-Wednesday 6-7:30PM Auburn-Friday 10-11:30AM
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Law enforcement Forensic examiners PEACE for Families counselors SART Advocate
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Provide immediate & follow up services to victims of all ages Medical Advocacy Criminal justice Volunteer SART advocates provide 24/7 response
Community Outreach Program Throughout Placer County Training and presentations on: Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Teen Dating Violence Drug Facilitated Rape
Community Outreach Program Presented to: Large/small groups Service agencies Non-profit agencies Schools Businesses Church groups Community organizations/events
Involvement with PEACE for Families Why To honor my mother Help women with their job search/interview skills
Involvement with PEACE for Families How Known about the agency for years Volunteer Fair Completed CIT training Spring 2008
Involvement with PEACE for Families Responsibilities Helped Clinical Manager Work in Auburn & Roseville offices SART Advocate DV Drop In Outreach Wherever the need is and I am available
Involvement with PEACE for Families What have I learned? How widespread this problem is Wonderful, dedicated employees & volunteers How many resources are available to families I never stop learning from clients
We’re Here To Help We’re Here To Help CONFIDENTIAL 24-HOUR CRISIS LINE Program Locations Auburn Office 337 Commercial St. Suite # Court St. Wheelchair Access Roseville Office 408 Folsom Rd
PEACE for Families Questions? Roberta L Malkin Crisis Intervention Counselor
PEACE for Families Thank You!! Roberta L Malkin Crisis Intervention Counselor