How to Create a Works Cited page in MLA Format Adapted from powerpoint at GVSU Writing Center Grand Valley State University
Overview of MLA Formatting Used in humanities fields, such as English, writing, philosophy, and modern languages Expressed by in-text, parenthetical documentation Includes a Works Cited page Definitive Source: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th Edition, 2003.
Why Document Sources in MLA Format? To give credit where credit is due: avoid plagiarism To establish your credibility as a careful scholar within the field To ensure consistency within the discipline: readers know what to expect To give readers access to the sources you cite
How Documentation Works In-text citations refer to a Works Cited page Works Cited page gives readers bibliographic information to locate sources themselves List sources alphabetically Use hanging indents
Works Cited Page Provides bibliographic information so readers can find sources themselves Each entry includes this basic information: Author’s name Title of work Publication information: Source of work, date published, volume and issue numbers, and page numbers Quick Tip: All sources cited in the paper must be listed on the Works Cited page. All sources listed on the Works Cited page must have been cited in the paper itself. Must be listed alphabetically.
A Sample Works Cited Page Davis, Barbara, Michael Scriven, and Susan Thomas. The Evaluation of Composition Instruction. New York: Teachers College P, 1987. Hanson, F. Allan. Testing Testing: Social Consequences of the Examined Life. Berkeley: U of California P, 1993. Huot, Brian A. “The Literature of Direct Writing Assessment: Major Concerns and Prevailing Trends.” Review of Educational Research 60 (1990): 237-63. Yancey, Kathleen. “Looking Back as We Look Forward: Historicizing Writing Assessment.” College Composition and Communication 50.3 (1999): 483-503.
Sample Citation Book: Davis, Barbara, Michael Scriven, and Susan Thomas. The Evaluation of Composition Instruction. New York: Teachers College P, 1987. Quick Tips: This is a hanging indent. Don’t try to do it with tabs – you should use the Paragraph Format that Word offers call Hanging indent.Simply write “P” to stand for “Press.” Although you should begin the entry with the last name of the first author, you should write the names of the other authors in first-name/last-name format, for easier readability.
Sample Citation Article in a scholarly journal: Yancey, Kathleen. “Looking Back as We Look Forward: Historicizing Writing Assessment.” College Composition and Communication 50.3 (1999): 483-503.
Sample Citation Scholarly article from a database: Walstad, William. “Improving Assessment in University Economics.” Journal of Economic Education 32.3 (2001): 281-94. Proquest. Grand Valley State U Lib., Allendale, MI. 18 Feb. 2004 <>. Quick Tip: Each type of electronic source is documented differently. Consult the MLA Handbook for information about how to format correctly each source you cite.
Sample Citation A source with no known author: “Squeezing the Poor for Votes.” New York Times on the Web. 18 February 2004 <>. Quick Tip: Since there is no author’s name listed, you’ll list the citation on the Works Cited page alphabetized by the first key word in the title (in this case, “Squeezing”).
Web Site Citations Create citations using Citation Builder, a program in WorldBookOnline Just fill in the blanks (if no info, leave blank)
WorldBookOnline Is found on our Library Homepage Use the link Visit Your School Library on the left column on the District web site It’s under Online Databases and Reference Sources
Where Can You Find MLA Documentation Help? Niagara Falls High School Web Page – English Language Arts Heading For creating citations, World Book Online, in World Book Discover, the Citation Builder tab Look at the MLA Citation Powerpoints on the NFHS Library site