Integrated Assessment Working group or coordinated activity?
Objectives To demonstrate that human and biota assessments fit into a consistent framework for radiological protection –Generate guidance –Familiarity in use of biota assessments –Biota included as routine in assessments
Why needed? Environmental (conservation) legislation requires explicit demonstration of protection ICRP make more reference to protection of the environment & have Committee 5 IAEA – recognition of ‘expectations’, revised BSS contains reference to environmental protection through Environmental Impact Assessments European BSS to include chapter on EP
Used for assessments: –ERICA: Sweden, UK, Finland, OSPAR, parameters used in other approaches –EA R&D128: England & Wales >700 authorisations (Natura 2000 sites) and Scotland – all Natura 2000 sites in Scotland –RESRAD-BIOTA: US(DOE) sites –FASSET/EPIC: elements used in various approaches (inc. below) –Number of other approaches used in assessments in Canada, France, Lithuania
Human Assessment TOTAL ABSORBED DOSE HABITS INFORMATION ‘REFERENCE’ MAN RADIONUCLIDE SOURCE IMPACT PATHWAY OF EXPOSURE Application of a weighting factor for RBE Compare predicted dose to radiological criteria based on known biological effects
Human Assessment TOTAL ABSORBED DOSE HABITS INFORMATION ‘REFERENCE’ MAN RADIONUCLIDE SOURCE IMPACT PATHWAY OF EXPOSURE Application of a weighting factor for RBE Compare predicted dose to radiological criteria based on known biological effects Dispersion model e.g. SRS-19
Biota Assessment TOTAL ABSORBED DOSE ECOLOGICAL PARAMETERS ‘REFERENCE’ ORGANISM RADIONUCLIDE SOURCE IMPACT PATHWAY OF EXPOSURE Application of a weighting factor for RBE Compare predicted dose to known biological or ecological effects & guideline values Dispersion model e.g. SRS-19
Biota Assessment TOTAL ABSORBED DOSE ECOLOGICAL PARAMETERS ‘REFERENCE’ ORGANISM RADIONUCLIDE SOURCE IMPACT PATHWAY OF EXPOSURE Application of a weighting factor for RBE Compare predicted dose to known biological or ecological effects & guideline values Dispersion model e.g. SRS-19
Biota Assessment TOTAL ABSORBED DOSE ECOLOGICAL PARAMETERS ‘REFERENCE’ ORGANISM RADIONUCLIDE SOURCE IMPACT PATHWAY OF EXPOSURE Application of a weighting factor for RBE Compare predicted dose to known biological or ecological effects & guideline values e.g. 10 µGy/h Dispersion model e.g. SRS-19
Examples RESRAD – Part of suite: Offsite, build, biota, chemical etc Models being put together e.g. dispersion (MEAD), dosimetry and biota models for Sellafield EA Initial Radiological Assessment Tool
Suggested Plan Training/familiarisation with biota models during next EMRAS meeting (Jan 2010)
Suggested Plan Training/familiarisation with biota models during next EMRAS meeting (Jan 2010) Theme 1 working groups developing scenarios Consider whether biota assessment appropriate to scenario & potential participants in Jan 2010
Suggested Plan Training/familiarisation with biota models during next EMRAS meeting (Jan 2010) Theme 1 working groups developing scenarios Consider whether biota assessment appropriate to scenario & potential participants in Jan 2010 Participants run biota models, mid year meeting to discuss results (Jun 2010)