28th of August 2008 “Linking Education and Industry” CIRP GA Manchester 2008 WG Human Factors & Education www.ceni.pt Pedro Filipe Cunha.


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Presentation transcript:

28th of August 2008 “Linking Education and Industry” CIRP GA Manchester 2008 WG Human Factors & Education Pedro Filipe Cunha

Industry Education Companies Technological Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres Challenges: Competitiveness, Economical Growth, Modernization of enterprises networks. It is necessary:. Technological development,. Innovation capacity,. Enlargement of operational value chain Centres for creation and transmission of knowledge, with core competencies in the areas of research, development and training Linkage between the two systems CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August

Significant evolution of the number of students in the tertiary education (post-graduations, masters and PhD`s) The number of Phd`s have risen Compound annual growth rate of the number of students enrolled in terciary education (ISCED 5 and 6), 1975/76 – 2000/01 Source: Eurydice (2005) Key data on education in Europe 2005, Luxembourg office for ofical publications of the European communities Centres of creation and transmission of knowledge With core competencies and availability in the areas of research, development and training Education Brief Summarize Education CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August

About 50% of the researchers work in higher education institutions and R&D centres. Private associations without profitable goals that work together with universities occupy 14% of the generality. The number of scientific publications has been increasing considerably Brief Summarize Education Centres of creation and transmission of knowledge With core competencies and availability in the areas of research, development and training Education CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August

Need of: -Technological Development -Innovation capacity -Enlargement of the operational chain Industry Brief Summarize Industry 2005: companies CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August

95,3% of the companies have less then 10 waged workers Brief Summarize Industry Need of: -Technological Development -Innovation capacity -Enlargement of the operational chain Industry CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August

Brief Summarize Industry Need of: -Technological Development -Innovation capacity -Enlargement of the operational chain Industry CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August

Competitive Factors Brief Summarize Industry Need of: -Technological Development -Innovation capacity -Enlargement of the operational chain Industry CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August

Forum Manufuture Portugal Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres Working Group 2: “Melhor Articulação entre Ensino e Indústria” (Better Interlink between Education-Industry) 1) Diagnostic - “Focus group” meetings, inquiry implemented at national and workshops 2) Data analysis 3) Actions proposal and development CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August

 Lack of culture based on objectives driven  Lack of processes flexibility  Inadequate evaluation and financial support system  Inadequate academic evaluation  Poor link between research areas and industry interests  Weak knowledge about the industry by the education  Some courses are badly adjusted to the industry necessities Education Linking Education and Industry Diagnostic Linking Education - Industry  The cooperation between education institutions and industrial companies has been gradually increasing  Small dynamism is observed to capitalize the competencies of education institutes and innovate in industrial enterprises  Lack of knowledge between industry and education  Weak link between education and industry  Strong enterprise dynamics in the technological development, innovation, human competencies enrichment and enlargement of operational value chain  Lack of a clear definition of development strategies, in medium and long term  Small importance given to the areas of R&D and innovation  Lack of companies availability to interact with education institutions  Small availability and capacity from companies to promote human resources competencies development actions Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August

Data Analysis Develop the education system Promote the involvement of education institutions in the industry Approximate the research activities to the industry Promote the curricular development with connections to the industry Promote the involvement of industry in education Create innovation centres inter- companies and education institutions Promote the development of competencies of the human resources with the support of education institutions Reorganize to strengthen the link: education vs industry Promote the share of research activities Create mechanisms of linking industry and education Linking Education and Industry Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres Education Linking Education - Industry Industry CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August

–“Best practices” collection and dissemination –Establishment of “Liaison Officiers” –Forums between University and Industry –Implementation of cooperative actions. Model for industrial development. Establishment of collaboration networks: PAM – Portuguese Alliance for Manufacturing Actions Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August Linking Education and Industry

–Forums between EI e IE Actions Proposal Organisation Technology Human Resources Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August Linking Education and Industry

–Implementation of cooperative actions. Model for industrial development Actions Critical factors: Project team: knowledge, competencies Objective and clear plan for each company Commitment Follow-up and evaluation Pro-active management of human resources Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres Technology and Knowledge University Suppliers /consulting R&D internal Outsourcing Management Capital Human Resources Continuous training and experience ç University Consulting Recruitment Outsourcing Businessangels Interimmanagement Shareholders Businessangels Risk capital National programs Banks University Recruitment HR companies CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August Empresas Universities Fórum ManuFuture Portugal Industrial Associations Market Banks Government Shareholders Suppliers Empresas Enterprises Training Consulting Linking Education and Industry

–Implementation of cooperative actions. Establishment of collaboration networks: 1.To pursue an active development of knowledge and technology for Manufacturing Industry in alignment with :  MANUFUTURE Platform  FMP-FÓRUM MANUFUTURE PORTUGAL 2.Integrate capacities and competencies in the development of innovative solutions in terms of process, products and business models; 3.Increment the capacity to compete for financial fund for R&D at EC level; 4.Promote a better effectiveness in the link between R&D and industry. Actions Proposal MOTIVATION Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August Linking Education and Industry

–Implementation of cooperative actions. Establishment of collaboration networks: Actions Proposal Research, Development and Innovation S trategic R esearch A genda – MANUFUTURE Platform 1.New processes 2.New products 3.New business models 4.R&D infra-structures and education 5.Innovation systems 6.Tools for innovation management 7.Linking between R&D and industry 8.Network of excellence in R&D Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August Linking Education and Industry

–Implementation of cooperative actions. Establishment of collaboration networks: Actions Proposal Proposal full title: “Innovative networks of SMEs for complex products manufacturing” NMP Supply chain integration and real-time decision making in non-hierarchical manufacturing networks Proposal full title: “DINAMIC – Promotion of innovation and establishment of cooperative networks in technological fields” PROGRAMA DE COOPERAÇÃO TERRITORIAL EUROPEIA INTERREG IV-B Programa Operacional Sudoeste Europeu. PO SUDOE 2007 – 2013 Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August Linking Education and Industry

–Implementation of cooperative actions. Establishment of collaboration networks: Actions Proposal Project proposal: “Enabling Technologies” Intelligent manufacturing systems Network production systems Energetic and enviornmental efficiency of production systems Modelling and simulation of manufacturing systems Manufacturing systems planning and logistics New production technologies and systems New business models for manufacturing technologies Safety Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August Linking Education and Industry

–Implementation of cooperative actions. Establishment of collaboration networks: Agenda: Introduction to the themes Presentation of two case studies (one national and one international) Debate Conclusions Brokerage event (with the objective of defining new projects) Workshop: Intelligent Manufacturing systems Energy and Sustainability Actions Proposal Industry Education Companies Technical Centres R&D Centres Innovation Centres Project proposal: “Enabling Technologies” CIRP GA - Manchester WG HF & E, 28 th August Linking Education and Industry

Thanks for your attention and We invite you to collaborate 28th of August 2008 CIRP GA Manchester 2008 WG Human Factors & Education Pedro Filipe Cunha