Thursday October 13, 2011 Objective: To understand life in Athens and the growth and development of Democracy Bell Work: Get out your graphic organizers from last night and be prepared to take a few notes…. Then, movie on Athenian Democracy
Athens Athens Location: right by the sea in a region called Attica, North of the Peloponnesus
View of the Acropolis over Athens
Athenian Society Three tiers of society: Slaves Slaves Treated as property thus no right to vote Metics Metics Born outside Athens Free and paid taxes just as citizens Could not participate in government Citizens Citizens Could be rich aristocratic or poor farmer Only Athenian-born men could vote
Athenian Government: Pre-Democracy Early Government: Aristocracy: only citizens who owned land held office Aristocracy: only citizens who owned land held office Assembly: all adult male citizens Assembly: all adult male citizens Nine Archons: rulers who served one year terms Nine Archons: rulers who served one year terms * Draconian Law
Athenian Government: Democracy Solon- changed Athenian class system/government Cleisthenes (500BC)- first ruler to create the Democracy in Athens; 10 tribes, Council of 500, Jury Direct Democracy All citizens participate directly in making decisions All citizens participate directly in making decisions
Athenian Government: Democracy Pericles (461 BC): Athenian politician 3 Goals for Athens: 3 Goals for Athens: Strengthen Athenian Democracy: Direct Democracy Hold and strengthen the Empire: Build larger Athenian navy and increase overseas trade Glorify Athens: Build Parthenon and beautify Athens
Athenian Culture: Home & Family LIfe Heavily based on ideas of democracy and education as important rather than military Marriage and Family Life important: girls married at 13/14, main purpose of marriage was to have children Women considered inferior to men: stay out of sight, could not own property; Girls get no education Boys under care of Pedagogue at age 7: male slave that would teach them manners
Athenian Culture: Education and Military Service Great value on literacy and education: *Boys studied reading, writing, grammar, poetry, music, gymnastics * Sound mind in a healthy body * Sophists held school for older boys: government, math, ethics (moral duty), and rhetoric (public speaking/debate) One year of military training at age 18 * if you had $ you got weapons- hoplite * if you were poor you served on the flanks