Mrs Rainbow's Color Therapy Location Tel Promise Service 1 (For example) Service 2 (For example) 21/F,810 South-east Road 5557 8187 She has practiced...


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Presentation transcript:

Mrs Rainbow's Color Therapy Location Tel Promise Service 1 (For example) Service 2 (For example) 21/F,810 South-east Road She has practiced... If it doesn't work,... Discover..., change... and improve If you're feeling sad,... If you can't sleep,... She advices people... People with...

sadness or calm calm and peace calm colours

success and joy wisdom and warmth warm colours orange yellow n. Yellow reminds you of a warm, sunny day. It represents warmth.

energy and nature power and strength energetic coloursstrong colours

black power and protectionn. We should protect wildlife. Wildlife should get protection.

Can you balance/keep balanced? How long can you balance there? balance v. 平衡 balanced adj. 平衡的 keep a balance between A and B

KindsColors calm colors warm colors energetic color strong color blue white orange yellow green red Part A: What does each colour represent? black Represent sadness or calm calm and peace success and joy wisdom and warmth energy and nature power and strength power and protection

1.What is the colour of the woman’s …? 2. What does … represent ? 3. Why does she wear …? 4. What do you think of …? Look at the picture, answer the questions:

The woman is wearing… Red respresents… Maybe she feels … She could be… I think…

Colours and what they represent Wang Mei, Class 1, Grade 9 The woman in this picture is wearing a ① ____ dress and a pair of ② ______ shoes. This is interesting because red and white are very different colours. Red represents ③ ______ and ④ ________. Maybe she feels weak and that is why she is wearing red, or she just wants to make herself look more powerful. red white powerstrength

Her handbag and ⑤ _______ are white. The colour white represents ⑥ _____ and ⑦ ______. She could be ⑧ ________ and the colour white helps her feel peaceful. I think the woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed, but she is wearing the right colours to help herself. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful ⑨ ____ balances the calm ⑩ ______. shoes calmpeace stressed redwhite

Structure of the passage Papa 1. What to wear Para Colours and what they represent Para. 4. The writer’s opinion / idea

The important language points 1. That is why she is wearing red. 2. make herself look more powerful 3. feel a little bit stressed 4. She is wearing the right colours to change that. 5. Red and white are a good match. 6. The powerful red balances the calm white.

Dicussion 1.What is the man wearing …? 2. What about his moods ? 3. Why does he wear …? 4. Do you like what he is wearing …?

The man is wearing… Blue respresents… Maybe he feels … He could be… I think…

The man is wearing a ① _____ shirt and ② ______ trousers. He looks very fashionable. Blue ③ __________ sadness and ④ ______. Black is the colour of power and protection. However, the man does not look very sad. The blue should make him feel calm but he does not look calm, either. In fact, he looks worried or afraid. blueblack represents calm

I think the man is wearing those colours because he is afraid. He needs ⑤ ______ for protection, and blue to make him feel ⑥ ______. He is also wearing ⑦ _____ shoes. He is wearing them to make himself feel ⑧ _________ and ⑨ _______. black calm red powerfulstrong

Structure of the article Part One( Para 1) Clothes and colours Part Two ( Para 2-3) The relationship between colours and moods Part Three (Para 4) The writer’s feeling about the clothes

How to write about the moods of people by looking at the colours of their clothes? Generally describe what colours sb wears and what you think of the colours. Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Partly describe what colours sb wears, his/her moods and why he/she chooses the colours. Para 4 Generally describe his/her moods and what you think of his/her choices of the colours. Introduction Main body Conclusion

用于表述的相关句型 : 1) It represents calm, peace and sad. 2) It makes sb. feel calm, peaceful and sad. 3) It brings sb. success. 4) It makes sb. successful. 5) I think she is feeling a little bit stressed. 6) Red and white are a good match, as the powerful red balances the calm white.

Your Art teacher gave you two advertisements. She asks you to write about the models and what you think about the two advertisements. You want to make some notes on them first. Part B:

what kind of advertisement they are about?

Colours Represent shirt trousers glasses Shoes Moods Reasons Is it a good mobile phone advertisement? Why? orange blue black white success & joy sadness or calm power & protection calm & peace fast, powerful. The man looks very busy and he is running. He may be doing something important. Yes. Strong and powerful colours are used to give the feeling of success.

Colours Represent T-shirt Skirt Hat Shoes Moods Reasons Is it a good fruit juice advertisement? Why? green yellow white blue energy & nature wisdom & warmth calm & peace sadness or calm relaxed, peaceful, bright, fresh, cheerful Because of the outdoor sunshine and the scene, it looks like the woman is on holiday. Yes. Sunshine and beaches make you thirsty. The juice looks refreshing.

Use your notes to write a report on the moods of one of the models in the two ads

Colours and moods The girl / man in the advertisement is wearing __________________. … … ______( colour) represents ______. … … I think she / he is ____________( moods) because _________________________. It is a good / bad ________ advertisement because _____________________. … … Use your notes to finish the report on the moods of one of the models.

The woman in this advertisement is wearing a green T-shirt and a yellow skirt. This is interesting because green and yellow are both very positive colours. Yellow represents warmth and wisdom and can also remind you of a warm, sunny day. Maybe she likes yellow because it is the colour of the sun. Her T-shirt is green. Green represents energy and nature. Maybe the woman felt tired and decided to wear green because this colour can make her feel more energetic. The woman’s hat has an orange flower on it. Orange is another warm colour. It also represents success and can cheer you up if you are feeling sad.

However, the woman in the picture does not look sad. I think she chooses yellow and orange because they are warm, summer colours. The woman’s shoes are blue. Blue represents trust and it can also make us feel calm. Perhaps the woman is a bit stressed and that is why she is wearing blue. I think this woman is cheerful and friendly. She prefers warm, energetic and calm colours to strong colours. I think she must be very happy because yellow can remind you of a warm, sunny day and green can give you lots of energy. I like this advertisement because it makes me feel warm and reminds me of the summer holidays.

Thank you!