World Literature essays (20% total): World Literature paper #1 (10%): comparative study of two Part I works. [Junior year, first semester] World Literature paper #2 (10%): comparative study, creative assignment, or detailed study based on Part I, III, or IV works not used in Assignment 1. [November, Senior year]
Assignment 2a is a comparative study based on an aspect of any World Literature work that was read in translation and not used in the WL 1 Comparative study and one Language A1 work, chosen from any part of the school’s IB syllabus. Focus on some pertinent link between the two works.
Assignment 2b is a creative assignment, which is generally not recommended because of the skill level required to earn a decent score. If interested, you may wish to discuss it with Mr. Blendheim or Ms. Lovelace.
Assignment 2c is a detailed study of one of the works read in translation from Parts 1, 3, or 4 of the reading list. Extracts chosen for analysis or commentary are not included in the word count, but copies must be attached to the assignment when submitted for assessment. You have four options within the 2C detailed study category:
2c Detailed Study: A formal essay = formal writing that follows a logical sequence. Not recommended.
2c Detailed Study: Analysis of a key passage. The most important word here is “key.” The passage for study, whether a paragraph, a page, or a chapter, should have major significance for any of a variety of explorations; for example, prose or poetic style, character study, plot development or theme. The writer must briefly explain the significance of the passage, and, in the body of the essay, explain the significance of the passage to the larger work from which it has been taken. Recommended.
2c Detailed Study: Analysis of two key passages. Two significant passages from the same work could be selected in order to explore, for example, contrasting prose styles, descriptive method, character presentation, and a range of other aspects. The writer must justify briefly the pivotal nature of the passages chosen and demonstrate their particular similarities and differences that the writer finds interesting.
2c Detailed Study: Commentary on an extract. An extract of approximately 30 lines of prose or the equivalent in drama or verse is taken from a work for in-depth analysis. A commentary is what both AP and IB students should do on AP style analysis essays and/or the IB final exam number one, a commentary over a previously unseen passage. Writers must justify briefly their selection of the particular extract, and, in the body of the assignment, explore how language, imagery, organization of ideas, and stylistic and thematic aspects work in the passage.
commentary analysis of a key passage
Where in the whole text does this passage occur? What recurring features of the narrative are evidenced here? Does it repear in different ways events that have occurred elsewhere? Are there certain themes or smaller lines of meaning? Does the way the author presents the characters here reflect or contrast with their presentation elsewhere in the text? Details that add to our grasp of events, symbols, or characters? What is achieved here that makes this a “key” or memorable moment in the text? What does dialogue reveal about important character traits and relationships in the larger context of the story?