Summative Assessment: Performance Assessments Book pgs Classroom Curriculum Assessment
Assessment Structure Performance Assessments Unit Assessments Formative Informa l Forma l Summative Traditional Test Performance Assessment Classroom Curriculum Assessment
Backward Design Unit Goal Performance Assessment Lesson Objectives & Activities Classroom Curriculum Assessment
Performance Assessment Purpose: To provide a culminating Unit assessment in which students demonstrate achievement of the Unit Goal through performance of a task. Basis: Students with different learning styles can demonstrate achievement in a holistic way that differs from the typical Traditional Test. Forms: A PA is expressed in 2 ways: As a SWBAT statement, and As the “prompt” that is given to students. Classroom Curriculum Assessment
Includes previously unseen material that addresses the Diocesan Unit Concept at the critical-thinking level of the Diocesan Unit Goal, Is holistic in nature, often allowing students to make decisions about the content, Allows Basic, Proficient, Advanced achievement, and Is completed I&I (individually and independently). Classroom Curriculum Assessment
Constructing Performance Assessments Projects and presentations are performance assessments only if: They allow students to demonstrate achievement of Unit Goal critical-thinking about the Unit Concept The performance is done independently & individually (I&I) on previously unseen material Younger students and ELLs may benefit from scaffolds and graphic organizers Good performance assessments allow students to make decisions about the content Classroom Curriculum Assessment
Sample – Spanish I Unit # Estimated # of Days Unit Concept or Question Unit GoalUnit RationaleUnit Assessment Standard s (Comm on Core) Introducing Oneself SWBAT use first and second person pronouns and use appropriate introductory phrases. Students begin the study of Spanish with presumably no background in the language. They will begin with the most basic concepts of how to introduce themselves and each other. SWBAT complete an oral assessment in which they introduce themselves and a partner. Classroom Curriculum Assessmen t
Sample – Kindergarten Art Unit # Estimate d # of Days Unit Concept or Question Unit GoalUnit Rationale Unit Assessment Standa rds (Com mon Core) Looking at Art SWBAT discuss their own opinions when looking at a piece of art. Students will begin their art experiences learning how to look at art and develop an opinion about it. They will begin to explore what art means to them and begin their lifelong appreciation for art. SWBAT look at a piece of art and verbally explain (discuss) what they think of the art— whether they like it, etc. K 1.1, K6.2, K4.2 Classroom Curriculum Assessment
Sample – Kindergarten Art Course Title Kindergarten Art Course Outcomes Standards for Course Outcomes 1 SWBAT respond to art based on their personal preference 2 SWBAT identify and use a balance of two-dimensional and three- dimensional media and processes to express ideas, experiences, and stories. 3 SWBAT identify that people in all cultures create works of art.. 4 SWBAT recognize that artists create works of art using a variety of tools and materials in a safe and responsible manner. 5 SWBAT create a product using subject matter, concepts, or sign systems, such as words or numbers of another discipline Unit # Estimated # of Days Unit Concept or Question Unit GoalUnit RationaleUnit Assessment Standards for Units 1 Creative Process SWBAT create 2D and 3D artwork with a range of subject matter using a variety of media and processes. This unit will… SWBAT… K1.5 Classroom Curriculum Assessment
Develop or refine a SWBAT form of a Performance Assessment for the first 2 Diocesan Units. After writing them on your course page, write each on a post – it and add it to the wall where your grade level’s unit goals are displayed. As time permits, continue with Performance Assessment SWBATs for Units 3, 4, and 5 and post them. Classroom Curriculum Assessment
Music AppreciationPA Prompt Unit Concept: Musical Elements and Terms Unit Goal: SWBAT describe a variety of musical terms. Unit Assessment: SWBAT describe, verbally or in written form, a set of musical terms. Performance Assessment Prompt: Create a coloring book, one page for each musical term given. On each page write a description of the term and draw a visual representation of the term. Classroom Curriculum Assessment
8 th Grade MusicPA Prompt Unit Concept: Blues, Jazz and Improvisation Unit Goal: SWBAT compare and contrast various concepts found in the Blues and Jazz genre. Unit Assessment: After listening to a selection of music, students will differentiate between Jazz and the Blues. Performance Assessment Prompt: Using the provided checklists, check either Jazz or Blues for each quality that you are comparing as you listen to the selections of music. Classroom Curriculum Assessment
Take Home Points Performance Assessments: Measure holistic achievement of the Unit Goal Provide an alternate means of showing achievement of the Unit Goal Are often based on authentic or real-life situations Are graded with a rubric Classroom Curriculum Assessment