Senior Meeting World Language High School Counseling Department
Counselors: Expectations Counselor Request Form Student Request Form Crisis Counseling Classroom Guidance Lessons Counselor Mailboxes Homerooms 215 & 216- Ms. Levine 217 & 218- Mrs. Martinez
Transcript Evaluations STUDENT NAME:ID #: ENGLISH (4 CREDITS)SEM 1SEM 2Comments English I (Survey Literature) English II (American Literature) English III (British Literature or AP) English IV (World Literature or AP) SOCIAL SCIENCE (3 CREDITS)SEM 1SEM 2Comments World Studies U.S. History 3rd year of SS: Constitution Exam (Pass or Fail) Consumer Ed Exam (Pass or Fail) SCIENCE (3 CREDITS)SEM 1SEM 2Comments Biology Chemistry Physics MATHEMATICS (3 CREDITS)SEM 1SEM 2Comments Algebra (IMP I) Geometry (IMP II) Adv. Algebra (IMP III) World Language (2 CREDITS)SEM 1SEM 2Comments Spanish I Spanish II Career Education (2 CREDITS)SEM 1SEM 2Comments Art (1 CREDIT)SEM 1SEM 2Comments Art Music (1 CREDIT)SEM 1SEM 2Comments Music or Chorus Physical Education (2 CREDITS)SEM 1SEM 2Comments Physical Education 1 and Health Physical Education 2 and Drivers Ed Drivers Education (Pass or Fail) Electives (3 CREDITS MINIMUM)SEM 1SEM 2Comments SERVICE LEARNING HOURSRequired Comments Number of Hours Completed40.0 DATE:CREDITS TO DATE: World Language High School Credit Evaluation Form One-On-One Transcript Counseling Sessions
Credit Recovery Aventa Online Classes Counselors will start registering students after-school on Monday. $25 per class Night School Offerings will start in September Farragut H.S. Curie H.S. Kelly H.S. Gage Park H.S. Marshall H.S. Manley H.S.
Senior Students: Expectations Accountability: It is your RESPONSIBILTY! Senior Folder in Homeroom Bulletin Board Check for college/career opportunities! Take INITIATIVE! Scholarship Scoops Quarterly Newsletter Senior in Good Standing Checklist
Senior in Good Standing As you prepare to finish your high school career here at World Language, there are important requirements that you must meet in order to earn promotion and participate in school-sponsored privileges. All seniors that meet these requirements will be considered a “Senior in Good Standing”. Maintaining your “Senior in Good Standing” status will allow you participate in senior privileges offered by the school such as homecoming, prom, senior luncheon, senior activities and end-of-the year graduation ceremony. If you choose not to complete these activities you will not participate in senior activities. Most importantly, it will encourage you to take responsibility for your education, which is necessary in order to succeed in college and in the job market. In order to be a “Senior in Good Standing”, the following is to be completed during the senior year:
Checklist High School Requirements: Earned Graduation Credits Service Learning Hours Attendance College/ Career Requirements: Resume Post-Secondary Plan Personal Statement Letters of Recommendation 5 College Applications Financial Aid Scholarships NO EXCEPTIONS!
Any Questions ?!?!?