Project Proposal: Multifamily Weatherization UES Scoping Study Regional Technical Forum June 1 st, 2011
Overview Background: Multifamily Weatherization UES measure status changed to Out-of-Compliance (model not calibrated) at the Feb RTF meeting. The RTF received a proposal from SBW to investigate the feasibility of bringing the UES measure back into compliance. The estimated budget is just under $22,000. Since this work could apply to many other multifamily measures, RTF staff recommends proceeding with the work and is requesting RTF authorization to proceed. 2
More Details of the Work Review source data – 9 studies identified that may have useful data for developing a UES, cost, and measure life. Investigate Feasibility of Deemed Savings Estimate – Determine how/whether the available data can be used to calibrate baseline and efficient case consumption. – Compare SEEM model (with help from Adam) to recent work by SBW using the DOE2 model. Assess Quality of Measure Cost and Life Data Develop Recommendation Memo – How to proceed with development of a Guideline-compliant UES. (For more details, see the proposal document, available on the RTF meeting website.) 3
2011 RTF Budget and Current Standing This project would be funded using the “Measure and Protocol Reviews” funds from the 2011 work plan budget. As of today, $150,000 remains of the original $200,000. 4
Proposed Motion Authorize RTF staff to proceed with the “Multifamily Weatherization Deemed Savings Scoping Study” with a budget of $22,000. 5