Walnut Creek Pedestrian Master Plan Summary of results of April–May 2014 online survey June 9, 2014 E ISEN |L ETUNIC
Overview of online survey Purpose: Get input on existing conditions and needs Open for seven weeks: April 10‒May respondents (not everyone responded to every question) E ISEN |L ETUNIC
Age 170 responses E ISEN |L ETUNIC
Student, parent or neither? 171 responses E ISEN |L ETUNIC
Home zip code 162 responses (east of 680—south)33% (south of 680)23% (west of 680)20% (east of 680—north)20% Other 4% E ISEN |L ETUNIC
How often do you walk for…? 194 responses Transportation Fun or exercise E ISEN |L ETUNIC
Obstacles and challenges to walking 187 responses How much do they discourage people from walking in WC? Inadequate transit service Cars blocking the sidewalk Missing / broken sidewalks Missing / broken crosswalks Streets too wide or busy to cross Missing curb ramps Nowhere to walk / long distances Speeding or aggressive driving Few or no amenities Steep hills Concerns about crime E ISEN |L ETUNIC
Other general obstacles and challenges? 108 responses Common responses: Poorly designed sidewalks (narrow, no buffer against traffic, obstacles blocking the way) Right-turning cars Long wait times at traffic lights No street lights Homeless people Lax traffic enforcement Lack of street trees, shade E ISEN |L ETUNIC
Favorite walks or places to walk? 164 responses Common responses: Iron Horse, Canal and other trails (but concerns about access) Downtown, Broadway Plaza (but too many cars) Open space areas: Rudgear Estates, Shell Ridge, etc. City parks: Civic, Alma, Larkey Heather Farms Parkmead (but no street lights) E ISEN |L ETUNIC
Challenging streets and intersections? 164 responses Common responses: Wide, busy streets with fast traffic: o Ygnacio Valley Rd, Walnut Blvd, California, Main, Broadway, Mt Diablo, Treat, Olympic No sidewalks or shoulders: o Newell, Walnut, San Miguel Downtown intersections Trail crossings Residential neighborhoods with no sidewalks E ISEN |L ETUNIC
Ways to improve conditions for walking 173 responses How important are these for Walnut Creek? Faster / more frequent transit Overcrossings of busy streets High-visibility crosswalks Nicely landscaped streets More / better street lights More time to cross the street Traffic-calmed streets More traffic enforcement Ped countdown signals More crossing guards E ISEN |L ETUNIC
How would you make walking in Walnut Creek safer and easier? 148 responses Common responses: More enforcement against unsafe or aggressive driving Sidewalks and high-visibility crosswalks—esp. to schools, trails Restrict cars and create pedestrian zones in the downtown Promote walking to school Traffic-calming measures Bike lanes, bike parking Pedestrian bridges E ISEN |L ETUNIC