Financial Aid Management System Account Registration and Confirmation
Table of Contents Introduction What is the FAMS? Registration Confirmation
Welcome to the FAMS FAMS –Financial Aid Management System –The FAMS is the next generation; combines elements and styles from Financial Aid Data Exchange WV Higher Education Grant Program Web Site
Registration New User Creation Upgrade an Account –Financial Aid Data Exchange –WV Higher Education Grant Program
Registration Creating a new account Click “New User” in the login panel Follow the on- screen registration wizard New Features! –Username –Security Question and Answer
Registration Upgrading an account If you have credentials for FAMS, WVHEPC Financial Aid Data Exchange for the World Wide Web, or WV Higher Education Grant Program web site, please sign in using that set of credentials.
Registration Upgrading an account Sign in on the login panel using your address and password Follow the on- screen registration wizard New Features! –Username –Security Question and Answer
Registration User Creation Your username can be any unique name Password regulations –At least 7 characters; no more than 10 –Must include at least: One upper case letter One lower case letter One numeric digit You must supply a unique account Security Question and Answer
Registration User Information Enter your –preferred salutation –First name –Middle Initial (optional) –Last name –Suffix (optional) –Telephone number –Extension (optional)
Registration Affiliate(s) and Role(s) requests Choose an Affiliate Choose a Program Choose the Role(s) you would like Click “Add Selected Roles” Continue until you have requested all necessary roles from each Affiliate and Program –Delete roles, if necessary Click NEXT
Registration Privacy Policy and Terms of Use You must read and accept –Privacy Policy –Terms of Use
Registration Approval of requests Once registration is complete –Administrator(s) of the requested affiliates will receive an notifying that an active request is Pending –The administrator must then either Approve or Deny each individual request against their own affiliate
Account Confirmation Once an Administrator approves your account, you will receive an with confirmation instructions –You will only receive one confirmation code for each Affiliate, regardless of the number of Program Role requests approved Click, copy and paste, or type the link provided Log in using the username and password created during the Registration process Copy and paste the confirmation code into the box provided, then click “Submit”