Development of WM strategy and implementation 1. Clarification of dominant nuclides and important characteristics of waste ( Cs only? with long-lived nuclides? Chemicals? Sodium? Organic material? ) 2. Determination of end state (land-fill disposal? 1000 years institutional control? Clearance?) 3. Creation of waste stream according to waste characteristics (interim storage? How long? Pre-treatment? Treatment? ) 4. Determine how to characterise waste in consideration of SC development for long-term safety / Development of regulatory framework (origin? / area? / Waste classification?) 5. Determine procedure for implementation / realistic authorization (inspection) system 1: by sampling and analysis 2: Communication with stakeholders including public representative 3-5: Iteration with regulators / implementers
Some considerations on developing WM strategies Existing waste stream / regulations / waste classifications / safety standards might not be feasible for the management of radioactive waste arising from remediation or accident Need to understand minimum requirement for safety and adjust the regulatory framework accordingly e.g.) ChNPP: disposal of long-lived wastes to NSD & long term institutional control Requirement for the disposal facility (storage facility) differs if it is in an exclusion zone or residential zone. Sophisticated waste characterization won’t be possible. Verification also needs to be simple.
How to find “should not do” and “should do”? Experience from successful completion of legacy site remediation: - long-term preparation period - organization and human resources Understand the difference between disposal facility (storage facility) for normal waste and legacy waste pick up key issues to ensure long-term safety suggestion on “what to do” even in the aftermath of an accident Experience from recovery from accidents: - lack of preparation / short-term action - lack of sophisticated organization / severe working environment - involvement of new stakeholders / pressure to re-evacuation Learn lessons on safety issues facing even long period after the accident Pick up key issues that should have been implemented or that shouldn’t have been implemented even in the aftermath of an accident