Partnership O An associate who works with others toward a common goal. O To reach a desired end, you must first have a clear idea of what your team or group is working toward. Discuss together what the purpose of your work is and what the result should be.
TEAMWORK O In any group project, effective teamwork means that the whole team works efficiently together to reach goals and objectives.
O A unified commitment is necessary to reach those clearly defined goals. This means EVERY person on the team should be 100 percent committed to the project or plan. If some team members are not fully behind the project or if they aren't as committed as some other team members, the group as a whole will struggle to complete its work.
How will you use your money? O On Pay Day put all the earned money together and see how much you´ve got. O You need to decide TOGETHER on how much $ you will use to INVEST on the space and needs for your stand. O Divide the $ you have left among all partners. That will be each partner´s parents spending money for the market!
Products and Services O Each team can spend a total amount of $150 real money on needed materials. O Products must be created and made by you. Make enough for all the clients. O They should include some kind of recycled materials. O Products and services must cover the needs and wants of your clients. O Decide on a fair price for each one. Consider your PROFIT.
Use your time wisely to have everything ready on time! O Work together in class and divide the tasks among partners. O Have ALL the materials needed to work with everyday and well organized in a labeled box.
Have fun working together!! O Remember that all partners want to have a successful business!!