2 Station Mangers’ Forum deliverables The Station Managers’ Forum is a platform for exchange of information INTERACT Station Managers INTERACT Work Packages Local Communities SMF meetings INTERACT Web site Web based Dialogue Forum Meeting minutes and WP reports Tools:
3 Station Managers’ Forum meeting minutes (seven meetings) Best practises of station management Station Mangers’ Forum deliverables - reports and meeting minutes Station catalogue Survey of research and monitoring at INTERACT stations and description of best practises for selected parameters
4 INTERACT Administration and coordination INTERACT Work Packages Interaction with stakeholder community -encourage dialogue between INTERACT stations and local communities and other stakeholders. -invite local communities and international organisations to SMF meetings. -contribute with local based monitoring (developed under WP8). Station Mangers’ Forum deliverables - Platform for information exchange Photo: Henrik Spanggård
5 Station Managers’ Forum 2 - Agenda INTERACT station presentations (3) INTERACT Work Packages (8) Associated station presentations (3) Request for Ecosystem Service session Request for project presentation Collaboration with other major Arctic initiatives Photo: Henrik Spanggård
6 Station Managers’ Forum 2 - Agenda Day Session 1: Introduction and News from the INTERACT Secretariat Breather 1: INTERACT Research Facility presentation – Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA – Coffee Session 2: WP2 Deliverable - Report ‘Station catalogue’ Breather 2: Who is who in Polar research – Lunch Session 3: WP2 Deliverable - Report ‘Best practises of Station Management’ – Coffee Breather 3: Associated research station presentation, Krkonoše National Park, Czech Republic Session 4: Ecosystem Services delivered by INTERACT stations (WP8) End of Day Dinner
7 Station Managers’ Forum 2 - Agenda Day Welcome and practicalities of Day Session 5: Retro- and Prospective Vegetation Change in the Polar Regions: Back to the Future Session 6: WP4 Transnational Access – feedback – Coffee Breather 4: INTERACT Research Facility presentation – Abisko Scientific Research Station, Sweden Walk in the Park Lunch Breather 5: INTERACT Research Facility presentation – Zackenberg Research Station, Greenland Session 7: INTERACT web-site – Coffee Breather 6: Associated research station, Czech Arctic Station, Svalbard Session 8: WP8 Outreach and involvement of local communities End of Day Dinner
8 JOINT INTERACT, IASC and CBMP workshop DAY Welcome, agenda and practicalities Setting the scene and expected outputs Key note speaker: Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (20 min) Session 1, Stakeholders in Arctic Biodiversity (Arctic Council member State, Indigenous Peoples, NGO) Session 2, Inspirational presentations (Circumarctic experiment, Ecosystem based monitoring programme, community-based monitoring, scaling) Session 3, Circumarctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Research and Monitoring initiatives CAFF/CBMP Terrestrial Expert Monitoring Group INTERACT IASC Terrestrial Working Group AMAP Coffee ISAC SAON Break (except for Synergies Group members) Session 4 Identification of gaps, recommended activities and potential synergies – Synergy Group presentation of gaps, recommended activities and areas of potential collaboration, followed by plenum discussion Concluding reflections by the Synergies Group Closing remarks and the way ahead – the process of turning gaps and areas of collaboration into synergy action (Mike Gill and Terry Callaghan) Workshop dinner
9 Day Welcome and practicalities of Day Session 9: Conclusions from joint day Session 10: WP2 Deliverable D Report concerning ’Research and Monitoring at INTERACT sites’ Coffee Breather 7: Associated research station presentation, Aktru Field Station, Russia Session 11: WP5-7 Joint Research Activities, – Lunch WP5-7 Joint Research Activities (continued), Session 12: Evaluation, ideas for up-coming Station Manger Forum Meetings and closing remarks End of SMF 2 Station Managers’ Forum 2 - Agenda
10 Practical information Dining area and bar Joint workshop SMF II Reception Toilets
11 Practical information Shuttle service to and from Hvalsø Station DayMorningAfternoon Monday07:45 – 09:0017:00 – 17:30 Tuesday07:45 – 09:0017:00 – 17:30 Wednesday07:15 – 09:0019:00 – 19:30 Thursday07:45 – 09:0015:00 – 17:00 For transport outside these hours call Logistics Manager Henrik Spanggaard Munch:
12 Paying for SMF 2 Practical information D r i n k s
13 Let’s INTERACT Photo: Henrik Spanggård
14 SMF II - Day 1 Session Introduction Opening statement and Expected results of SMF2 (Morten Rasch) (10 min) - Introduction of participants (20 min) - Introduction of Agenda and practicalities (Elmer Topp-Jørgensen)(5 min) - Presentation of Station Managers’ Forum deliverables including overview of activities and timeframe (Elmer Topp-Jørgensen) (10 min) News from the INTERACT Secretariat (Terry Callaghan/Margareta Johansson) Breather INTERACT Research Facility presentation - Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA (Brian Barnes/Syndonia Bret-Harte) – Coffee Session WP2 - Report concerning ‘Abilities of the INTERACT stations’ (AWI, Hugues Lantuit) - Presentation of draft report (30 min) - Initial comments from SMF participants (20 min) - Presentation of plan for finalising report and updating web-site station catalogue (10 min) Breather Who is who in polar research (AWI, Hugues Lantuit) (30) – Lunch