SARVOJANA NGO Consortium Five States Eight Partners Seven Model CVCTC+
Five States Tamil Nadu Kerala Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Maharashtra
Eight Partners South India AIDS Action Program INP+ SWAM FIRM WINS Samraksha Society Sangama The Humsafar Trust
Challenging AIDS Related Poverty Interventions with ownership, diversity, reach and innovation for poor and marginalized communities in South India
Overall Objectives Reduce poverty and improve quality of life of poor and traditionally marginalized communities disproportionately affected by or vulnerable to HIV and AIDS and empower Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to check spread of HIV and reduce impact of AIDS in the highest prevalence states
Specific Objective Reduce stigma and discrimination and increase equitable access to HIV & AIDS prevention, treatment delivery, care and support, for People in Sex Work (PSW), Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Transsexual people (GBT), People Living with HIV & AIDS and their families (PLHAs), and People living in the Immediate Environments of the target communities (PIE), through establishing Community based Voluntary Counselling, Testing, Support and Care Centres (CVCTC+); and promoting self help groups of members of target communities to address the sociological, psychological and medical factors that increase their vulnerability to HIV &AIDS.
Target Groups Direct Beneficiaries - 25,000 PSW (ages 14-60), 20,000 GBT (ages 16-50), 100,000 PLHA (ages 5-50), and 50,000 PIE; 200,000 other direct/indirect beneficiaries including village leaders, government & private health care workers, legal and judicial personnel, local & regional government officials.
Expected Results Improved quality of life of PSW, GBT, PLHA, and PIE through improved health seeking behaviour and equitable access to services through Community based Voluntary Counselling, Testing, Support and Care Centres (CVCTC+). An effective alliance of 16 groups of target communities of PSW, GBT, PLHA and coalition members engaged in community mobilisation and advocacy at government, private and community levels to reduce stigma & discrimination. Improved quality of services available at government, private and community facilities for a continuum of care for HIV & AIDS prevention, treatment delivery, care and support for target communities. Effective functioning of an umbrella organisation, established with the objective to build capacity of coalition members to cooperate and manage future projects in this area.
Activities Establishment and operationalisation of Community based Voluntary Counselling, Testing, Support and Care Centres (CVCTC+) Sensitisation and mobilization of target communities Baseline survey to quantify existing levels of stigma & discrimination Meetings of self-help groups to develop an action plan to identify & address specific cases of stigma & discrimination Advocating with government, private and community agencies for action against stigma & discrimination of target communities. Capacity building of health care personnel Monitoring availability and quality of treatment at government hospitals Establishment, formalisation and Operationalisation of an umbrella organisation of coalition members Facilitating government and private agencies to replicate CVCTC+ Identifying required changes and taking action on policies that will facilitate future work of coalition members in this area.
NACP-III Indicators SARVOJANA TRACKING KEY INDICATORS IN NACP – III Percentage of FSW, MSM, who are HIV infected Percentage of men reporting use of condoms in the last time they had anal sex with a male partner. Percentage of FSW, MSM with STI symptoms, seeking services from qualified medical providers. Percentage of persons who return for test report at CVCTC+ by gender and age.
NACP-III Indicators Number of persons receiving pretest counseling/information and proportion of people seeking testing by age and gender Percentage of HRG members reporting instances of stigma and discrimination in the last month. Percentage of FSW and MSM who received HIV testing in the last 12 months and who know their results. Percentage of persons put on ART who report adherence at the end of 12, 24, 36 months, by age and gender
Additional Tracking Vulnerability indicators Consistent condom usage among marginalized groups Multiple partner among MSM and TG Reported anal sex among MSM and TG
Additional Tracking Legal Issues related Indicators Stigma and discrimination in health care settings Direct action against incidents of discrimination Advocating with various stakeholders on stigma and discrimination Group meetings to deal with misconceptions with general public on issues of PLHA and marginalized groups Group meetings with communities on legal and human rights Sensitizing law enforcement agencies and judiciary about the human rights of PLHA and marginalized populations Offering legal aid for PLHA and marginalized populations. Removing self-stigma among PLHA and marginalized populations
Additional Tracking Indicators for Effective Project Management Number of Referrals to TB and other co infections. Tracking Supply of ART medicines at ART centers. No of clients provided F2F counseling ( New + Follow ups ) No of clients provided Telephone/ counseling ( N+F) No of reactive results collected No of non reactive results collected No of female partner notification requested No of clients receiving general health treatments
Additional Tracking Indicators for Effective Project Management No of RPR/VDRL tests done ( Humsafar/ Sangama) No of clients tested positive for syphilis No of PLHAs referred to Positive Peoples Groups No of PLHAs referred to TB/ DOTs programs No of clients referred to GOI-ARV roll out program No of clients registered in the GOI- ARV roll out program No of clients enrolled in the GOI- ARV roll out program
Project Outputs 20,000 seek CVCTC+ services after the end of year one 60% of people testing positive for HIV, receive social support 50% of target people access Government hospital for health services One ART centre available in each project area Adequate supply of ART drugs available at ART centres 5 people per CVCTC+ are properly trained for providing services at the community care centres Functional consortium of CSOs An effective alliance of 16 groups of target communities Government policy in place in Project area to support equitable access to HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment delivery and care and support Consortium of Community institutions formally registered 12 of the community networks have local office bearers
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