Mobilising for Quality Education COMNET JUNE,
Mobilising for Quality Education Education International’s Global Initiative to emphasise that quality education is essential to enable each individual to develop to their full potential must be at the centre of social and economic development is one of the pillars of a just and equitable society Is a core concern of EI and its member organisations is too important to be undermined by cutbacks in state support must be a central part of any global post-2015 development agenda 2
Mobilising for Quality Education Education International believes that Quality Education is built on three pillars:- Quality teaching Quality tools for teaching and learning and Quality environments for teaching and learning 3
Mobilising for Quality Education Why the emphasis on ‘Quality’ Education? To underline the commitment of EI and teacher unions to providing the best possible education for citizens To create awareness of the critical role of good teaching and teachers in providing quality education To highlight the importance of high calibre candidates being recruited into teaching, and, Retaining them in teaching through attractive salaries and conditions of employment To emphasise the importance of high quality teacher education, both pre-service and in- service To assert the necessity of consulting teachers about policies on education 4
Mobilising for Quality Education What are the key goals? To convince the policy makers at all levels that quality education matters To ensure that Quality Education is one of the central planks of the post-2015 Development Strategy To ensure that EI, as the global representative of teachers, has a significant input into the development of the post-2015 Development Strategy To support member organisations who are fighting to protect the education services in their own countries To build alliances with those parents, students representatives and others who share our views To develop partnerships with organisations which have the capacity and financial resources to assist with the campaign for quality education 5
Mobilising for Quality Education To demonstrate the strength, unity and commitment of teachers and other education workers throughout the globe to quality education by mobilising them - the members of EI member organisations - to support the initiative by participating in activities in large numbers. To enhance the advocacy work of EI at the international level by demonstrating that it speaks for a strong united and committed body of educators who support quality education for all. To link the advocacy work of EI at the global level with the campaigns and activities of member organisations at national and regional levels. 6
Mobilising for Quality Education National GovernmentsEducation Authorities Regional EMF – SARC – CARICOM – Development Banks – African Union International – social and economic policies IMF – EMF – WB – WTO – UNESCO – OECD – Private corporations 7
Mobilising for Quality Education Social and Economic Policy Pressures Advocacy Response 8
Mobilising for Quality Education International and National ADVOCACY is strengthened by Local and National support and activities 9
Mobilising for Quality Education KEY TOOLS in implementing the initiative are High Quality Communications Web-based Social media Print media Broadcast media International National internal 10
Mobilising for Quality Education The KEY Communications Issues: coherent messaging is critical to engaging members of member organisations and garnering their support and cooperation message delivery is the key to the success of the initiative at local, regional and global levels Collaboration and cooperation between EI and member organisations is the key to success A core objective of this COMNET meeting is to establish regular and effective links between you and the EI communications unit in order to enhance collaboration, exchange information and monitor developments 11
Mobilising for Quality Education The overall Strategy for the implementation of the initiative is being developed. The timetable envisaged provides that the Strategy should be finalised by mid-July. The official Launch of the initiative is scheduled for 4 th October at the United Nations in New York. There are other benchmark events planned at global level during the one year programme of MQE activities The year of activities is to culminate in a World Day of Action on WTD, During the COMNET meeting the basis for a communications plan for the implementation of the initiative will be developed. 12
Mobilising for Quality Education For MQE to succeed communications personnel at all levels of the organisation have to work together to MOBILISE MILLIONS OF MEMBERS 13