Why Learn Spanish? Señora Jorgensen TJMS Vancouver School District
To Appreciate the Importance of Spanish in the United States The influence of Spanish is everywhere. Did you know plaza, rodeo and tornado are Spanish words? Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Los Angeles, San Antonio any many other place names are Spanish. There are many Spanish television personalities and Spanish radio and TV stations.
To Connect Spanish will help you communicate with other people. Spanish is the second most common language in the United States. You will be able to ask someone for directions, bargain at a market, and order in a restaurant in Spanish!
To Have Fun Learning Spanish is a new experience that will expose you to the food, the music, the celebrations, and other aspects of the Spanish speaking cultures. It will make travel to other countries as well as to different places in the United States much more enjoyable and more meaningful!
To Be Challenged Studying Spanish is a challenge. There is a lot to learn, but it’s not just vocabulary and grammar in the textbook. Think about reading books, newspapers and magazines in Spanish!
To Help You in the Future Learning Spanish can be emphasized on college applications. Spanish is useful in all careers. Learning a foreign language gives you a greater appreciation of the world.