Executing Agency Orientation Meeting Thursday 19th April 2012 Oliver Jones Global Sanitation Fund, WSSCC.


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Presentation transcript:

Executing Agency Orientation Meeting Thursday 19th April 2012 Oliver Jones Global Sanitation Fund, WSSCC

EA Role Programme management responsibilities: To award grants to Sub-grantees; –This includes issuing calls for proposals, supporting proposal development, evaluating proposals and establishing sub-grant agreements with successful applicants. To provide technical support to sub-grantees to address issues in project preparation and implementation; To procure goods and services necessary for sound and efficient management of the grants programme and for achievement of programme objectives; To provide secretariat support to the Programme Coordinating Mechanism and attend its meetings with the specific responsibilities;

EA Role Programme management responsibilities: To prepare five year plans and budgets, and to implement internal controls for sound financial management; To establish a monitoring system and monitor the work of Sub- grantees, progress toward objectives and the financial situation of the programme; To submit semi-annual and annual progress reports, and quarterly final financial reports; To report on programme activity to the PCM; To develop and deliver Communications and Learning Strategies to inform stakeholders about the GSF supported programme in Tanzania.

EA Submission RFP Content 1.Letter to Bidder 2.Annex I: Proposal Submission Form 3.Annex II: Detailed Budget and Workplan templates for the Grant 4.Annex III: Terms of Reference (TOR) and its appendices: 5.Appendix 1: GSF Results Framework and Indicators 6.Appendix 2: Tanzania Country Programme Proposal 7.Appendix 3: Indicative 5 year work plan and budget 8.Appendix 4: Tanzania CPP Logical Framework 9.Appendix 5: Evaluation Criteria 10.Annex IV: Budget template for EA’s financial offer. 11.Annex V: Draft Grant agreement contract 12.Annex V: General Conditions

EA Submission Submission Content: 1.Proposal Submission Form; 2.Technical Component, including; a)Workplan b)Detailed Grant Budget c)Grant Programme’s Indicators and Expected Results d)Overview of Grant Structure 3.Price Component. Maximum of 50 pages for the technical proposal Supported by a maximum of 40 pages in total of annexes as required Proposals must be received by UNOPS at on or before 17h00 Geneva time (CET) on Monday 21 st May 2012.

EA Submission Technical Component Content: Narrative: –Table of Contents –Description of the Firm and the Firm's Qualifications –Consortium –Understanding of the Requirements for Services –Proposed Approach –Proposed Team Structure –Proposed Project Team Members –Sub-Grantees Structure

EA Submission Annex II: i.EA Workplan –Preparatory activities –Administration –Sub-Grants –Procurements of Service –Monitoring & Reporting –Communications and Learning ii.Detailed Budget –Sub-Activities: –Categories: –Detailed Budget: i.Grant Programme's Indicators & Expected Results –Build on GSF Logframe –Allocate indicators to activities –Allocate targets across years ii.Overview of Sub Grants & Procured Services –Divide programme activities into grants and services –Allocate budget –Plan timing of grants Technical Component Content:

EA Submission Item Description A. Setup Fee Single payment contract signature (not more than 5% of Total Financial Offer) B. Operational costs This will be disbursed on six monthly basis against agreed deliverables C. Other non- operational costs Allow bidders to apply other costs categories as per their own financial rules and corporate policies D. Management Fee USD amount reflecting % of Grant Disbursements entered in cell T44 in the detailed 5 years financial offer which will generate this figure automatically. This percentage will not exceed 6% of grants disbursement. Price Component

Evaluation of Proposals: A two-stage procedure will be utilized, with evaluation of the technical component being completed prior to any price component being opened and compared. The total number of points which a firm/institution may obtain for both components is 135. The Price Component will only be evaluated if the Technical Component of that proposal achieves a minimum of 70 points. Proposals failing to obtain this minimum threshold will not be eligible for further consideration EA Submission

Evaluation of Proposals: Legal and geographical eligibility (pass/fail) 1.Offeror’s general reliability as well as experience and capacity in the specific field of the assignment (including programme and portfolio management, procurement, financial management, monitoring and Sanitation and Hygiene experience): 30 points 2.Suitability of the approach in responding to the TOR and the detailed Workplan & Budget: 40 points 3.the qualifications and competence of the personnel proposed for the assignment: 30 points

EA Submission Evaluation of Proposals: 1.Offeror’s general reliability as well as experience and capacity in the specific field of the assignment: 30 points i.Organizational capability to manage multi grants programme at national scale, size reputation and potential to undertake the assignment - 7 points ii.Relevant experience in programme & portfolio management similar to the assignment in size and complexity - 3 points iii.Relevant experience in grant and financial management & procurement /contracting including grants agreement - 3 points iv.Relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation, including results based management of development work - 3 points v.Relevant experience in implementation of software activities related to sanitation & hygiene promotion; - 6 points vi.Similar tasks of similar magnitude and complexity for other major clients - 6 points vii.Experience from the geographical area (country or region) - 2 points

EA Submission Evaluation of Proposals: 2. Suitability of the approach in responding to the TOR and the detailed Workplan & Budget: 40 points i.Understanding of the task objectives; the overall objectives and the context in which the programme is aiming to achieve its objectives - 8 points ii.Suitability of approach and methodology. how the candidate will manage programme activities while meeting fiduciary and quality requirements. Proposed an indication of its effectiveness and added value in terms of implementation. Proposed linkages with other actors, specifically local government, will be considered - 9 points iii.Appropriateness of approach and methodology to select and manages sub- grantees. The proposal must provide evidence that the necessary systems are in place and some initial scoping has been completed for the first round of sub-grantees - 2 points

EA Submission Evaluation of Proposals: 2. Suitability of the approach in responding to the TOR and the detailed Workplan & Budget: 40 points iv.Degree of innovation in proposal. Suggested alternatives or options that add value to programme strategy, propose a more effective way of using funds or propose economy of scales measures - 3 points v.Reasonableness of assumptions and risks. How well have the assumptions and risks been identified and are they reasonable? - 3 points vi.Time schedule and manpower estimates - 6 points vii.Team composition; does the team proposed balance effectively the necessary skills and competences? Does it take into account all key activities required by the TOR including the workload involved? - 7 points viii.Presentation of the proposal. Conformity to RFP instructions; table of contents; use of tables and charts; absence of superfluous or redundant information or text; - 2 points

EA Submission Evaluation of Proposals: 3. the qualifications and competence of the personnel proposed for the assignment: 30 points i.General qualifications - 10 points ii.Suitability for the specific task - 12 points iii.Language qualifications and experience in the region (experience of working in Dodoma would be particularly advantageous) - 8 points

EA Submission Evaluation of Proposals: The maximum number of points for the Price Component is 35. This maximum number of points will be allocated to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals will receive points in inverse proportion according to the following formula: Points for the Price Component of a proposal being evaluated = [Maximum number of points for the Price Component] x [Lowest price] [Price of proposal being evaluated]

EA Submission Any further request for clarification should be referred to Ana Maria Cano UNOPS Legal Consultant, before Wednesday 10 th May 2012 by COB at the following address If you wish to submit a proposal we would appreciate you informing us by at or telefax +41 (0) by 1st May Proposals must be received by UNOPS at the above e- mail address on or before 17h00 Geneva time (CET) on Monday 21 st May 2012.

Schedule Going Forward 21st May: Submission Deadline Mid June: Evaluation complete End June:Commence Capacity Assessment Mid July:Complete Capacity Assessmet End July Contract negiotiations and signature Early August:Contract in place August – Sept: Development of initial deliverables Early Sept: Inception work with CPM and EA Mid Sept: Official Launch of GSF Programme End September: First Sub-Grantees signed

QUESTIONS: Clarification on the process of identifying Sub-grantees and when that should happen? Is the detailed grant budget part of the pricing information? No When is the deadline for potential EAs to submit questions/ request of clarifications? 10 th May 2012 Is there any page limitation (in addition to the size limitation) for the proposal? Main Proposal 50 pages + max 40 pages annexes What would GSF recommend with regard to the appropriate time/date to send the proposal before due to the risk of connectivity? EA Submission