ESGF and ES-DOC Documenting climate models and their simulations ES-DOC current and future plans Working with ESGF Eric Guilyardi, Balaji, Cecelia DeLuca, Sébastien Denvil, Mark Greenslade, Bryan Lawrence, Sylvia Murphy, Karl Taylor + = ESGF & UV-CDAT meeting, Livermore - December 2013
Why ES-DOC Document underlying science in climate models and whys and hows of simulations (forcing, protocol, …) Understand differences and similarities in multi- model ensembles Use of climate model data expanding Maturity and openness of model development Essential building block of professional documentation (with CF, DOI, …) Legacy joint venture of METAFOR (EU) and CURATOR (US) projects Guilyardi et al. (BAMS 2013)
ES-DOC = creation, exploitation and dissemination of standards Climate modelling metadata conceptual model: the Common Information Model (CIM) -> ConCIM (UML) Real life application: CMIP5 -> AppCIM (XML) – Questionnaire, database, CIM tools (viewer, comparator) Definition of controlled vocabulary (CV) Part of CMIP standards Governance of standards
4 Conceptual Model Climate Modelling = an activity using a software to produce data on a grid to be archived in a repository. UML Application Model Application Model XSD RDF PCMDI XML An essential aim is that the conceptual model is not changed by the manner in which it is used or applied. IPSL BADC e.g. CIM e.g. CMIP5 The CONCIM to APPCIM
5 Novelty in community: Software CV Gathering a way of describing (in a community consistent way) the scientific properties of model subcomponents Controlled Vocabulary 570 controlled questions - hundred of choices ! Creating the CV mindmap
cf. Mark Greenslade presentation Thursday
ES-DOC and CMIP5 metadata status What we have today: – The CIM: strategic community effort effort here to stay, several projects already leveraging from it – CMIP5 documentation: 42 models and 600 simulations described in CIM database – a unique ressource – contributes to AR5 (model table), articles… – A set of controlled vocabulary – CIM tools: viewer and comparator (web service) – Governance: ES-DOC. EU-US close collaboration, management and development process – Community « education » that such efforts contribute to scientific process, credibility of projections and showcase of climate models
CMIP5 database quality control – Role of model development groups vs. role of users (e.g. annotation) ? Governance of CIM and CV Extension of scope (downscaling, …) CIM tools ecosystem development Prepare CMIP6: – Core and tier 1 documentation ? – New generation of capture tool, better separation of concerns – Quality control, peer-review, DOIs Sustained funding on top of « ad-hoc » institutional funding and projects (IS-ENES2, PIMMS, ex-Arch,… ) Next steps and challenges
Coherence of data/metadata structure and contents (e.g. 8 realms not useful for IPCC report) – via CMIP or new data panel ? ESGF/ES-DOC human and technical coordination – For development and operations – On web services, new ESGF deployments include metadata checks, etc… How do we organise coordination for CMIP6 ? Similar governance and funding challenges Working with ESGF
12 The CONCIM Software Data Activity Grid CIM versions available at: Climate Modelling = an activity using a software to produce data on a grid to be archived in a repository.