Psychosocial Risk Management: European Framework Dr Stavroula Leka CPsychol FRSH Associate Professor in Occupational Health Psychology PRIMA-EF Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

Psychosocial Risk Management: European Framework Dr Stavroula Leka CPsychol FRSH Associate Professor in Occupational Health Psychology PRIMA-EF Manager & Principal Investigator Institute of Work, Health & Organisations University of Nottingham

PRIMA-EF Developing a European Psychosocial Risk Management Framework FP6 - 2 year project 6 partners, 5 CCs: IWHO (lead), BAuA, ISPESL, TNO, CIOP, FIOH 2 international organisations (WHO, ILO) 6 liaison organisations: 3 international (US NIOSH, University of South Australia, Singapore Ministry of Manpower) – 3 EU (Institute for Social Policies - Bulgaria, HSE - UK, Cyprus International Institute - Harvard-Cyprus Initiative for the Environment & Public Health) 9 advisory organisations: DG-Employment, DG- SANCO, EASHW, European Foundation (Dublin), ICOH-WOPS, ETUC, ETUI, ETUI-REHS, BUSINESSEUROPE, UEAPME,CEEP, UNIZO

Objectives 1 Develop existing knowledge in evaluating the prevalence and impact of psychosocial risks at work and work-related stress, including physical and psychological workplace violence, harassment, bullying and mobbing Identify appropriate means of collecting sensitive data in relation to these issues Develop international standards and indicators on stress and violence at work in order to promote harmonisation in the area of psychosocial risk management and enhance best business practice

Objectives 2 Develop detailed recommendations and evidence-based best-practice guidance on the management of these issues at the workplace to promote clarity and a unified European approach that will enable stakeholders to put these in practice to improve the quality of working life Disseminate the results of the project to stakeholders and social partners in order to raise awareness and promote understanding, engagement and best practice

Outputs 1 Definition of European Psychosocial Risk Management Framework Development of social dialogue and corporate social responsibility indicators Survey involving stakeholders on a tripartite basis Review and analysis of available methodologies to evaluate the prevalence and impact of psychosocial risks at work and work-related stress > indicator models

Outputs 2 Comprehensive review and analysis of case studies of evidence-based, best practice interventions in different occupational sectors, worker groups, enterprise sizes and European countries Inventory of different approaches > Special reference to approaches that promote best practice in occupational health and safety and the management of psychosocial risks through corporate social responsibility and social dialogue principles and to gender- friendly approaches

Outputs 3 Guidelines for: employers; employees; trade unions; occupational health physicians; general practitioners; other applied occupational health and safety professionals (such as occupational health psychologists) PRIMA-EF book and brochure

Added Value Clarity of best practice principles, standards and actions Indicator models for monitoring Integrative framework that the EC will be able to use for the EU overall and across member states Would be possible to use as part awareness campaign linking policy to practice

Actions at the EU level Promotion of framework across the EU Monitor the implementation of the framework across member states Using indicators to identify necessary actions at policy and practice levels (EU, national, sectoral, enterprise) Identification of gaps and priorities

PRIMA-EF Forthcoming Events PRIMA-EF Symposium – Washington, APA/NIOSH Work, Stress & Health Conference, March 2008 Best Practice Workshop – Rome, May 2008 PRIMA-EF Symposium – Quebec, ICOH- WOPS Conference, September 2008 Dissemination Workshop – Helsinki, October 2008 PRIMA-EF Symposium – Valencia, EA-OHP Conference, November 2008

Thank you !