Premium services & technology is a leading technology service provider delivering IT solutions and Telecommunication services operating in Egypt, passionately striving to create value to its customers & partners. We provide businesses with the ideal mix of the latest INNOVATINS in technology solutions to meet the unique requirements of our customers. Our Vision Struggles to be the leader in providing clients with a broad spectrum of world-class services and technology with high quality standards. Our Mission To contribute to local and regional development with end to end services, technology solutions, commitment and outstanding customer service.
Managed Services across technologies - GSM 2G / 3G, VHF / HF & Transmission. Range of services - Installation/Commissioning, upgrade/downgrade, migration, rerouting, surveying, optimization, Testing, Planning, Design, implementation, modification, O&M and Human Outsourcing Flexible model - Day Rate, Fixed price, Project based work. Location - Egypt based. Experience of vendors - Siae, Ericsson, Huawei & Alcatel. Operator experience - Mobinil, Etisalat, Vodfafone.
Premium RAN Services Transmission Network Services Construction Services Human outsourcing Services Maintenance Services Operational Services
RAN SERVICES BTS Installation & Commissioning Site upgrade & downgrade Site Migration & Routing Radio Tests TRANSMISSION NETWORK SERVICES LOS Survey Installation & Testing Upgrade / Downgrade Link Optimization CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Site acquisition surveying & Design Sites implementation Sites Modification Human outsourcing Services Technical candidates Nontechnical candidates Maintenance Services BTS Transmission Power Civil Operational Services Corrective Maintenance Procedures Preventative Maintenance Procedures crisis Management Procedure
Premium offers High quality RAN services using their In house qualified team. Works currently undertaken include: GSM BTS ( 900, 1800 & 3G) installation, testing and commissioning. Installation of Feeders, jumpers and connectors. 2G / 3G antenna installation and alignment. Site Expansion, upgrade & downgrade. Site Migration & Routing. Radio tests ( Test calls and Drive test). Documentation.
Premium offers High quality Transmission services using their In-house qualified team. Works currently undertaken include: Performing Line of Sight Surveys Installation and testing of PDH Microwave links (1+1 & 1+0). Installation and testing of SDH microwave links (1+1 & 1+0). Antenna installation and alignment (0.3, 0.6 &1.2.) Installing RF Cables. Link upgrade and Downgrade. Link Optimization.
Teams of surveyors to collect all the relevant data for most economic solution to be designed for the customer. Packages are produced with full calculations to the satisfaction of all Municipality / Consultant Engineers: Site Survey. Geotech Survey and Analysis. Detailed Design Packages. Premium is competent in the implementation of either rooftop, green field or shared sites, Mobile stations, Sites Modification, Sites repair including 3G, 900 & Premium strives to complete the construction and handover of sites with zero snags.
Premium is committed to perform both corrective and preventive maintenance round the clock and readiness to handle crisis whatever the circumstances. Premium qualified teams are always working to get minimum mean time to restore regardless the agreed maintenance matrix. Finding and clearing root cause of defects is our most key factor to deliver distinguished corrective maintenance service. Premium provided their teams with the following to deliver optimum service:- Tools, equipments, trainings, manuals, software's, spare parts approved maintenance / testing procedures, accurate data/plans, on line 2nd line support, crisis management procedures,,,,,,,,etc.
The development and use of effective and user-friendly Operating and Maintenance procedures in process facilities is essential for safe and efficient operations therefore, Group of Premium technical experts in the field of GSM network maintenance are ready to Issue effective and user- friendly Operating and Maintenance procedures based on real experience of more than 10 year of handling different types of BTS’s, Transmission equipments, power cabinets or modules and civil related activities. Crisis management procedures is essential for reducing revenue losses which mainly taken place due to lack of centralized experience or knowledge of wide range of dependent systems therefore Premium group of experts are ready to issue such specific procedures aiming to handle crisis in the most effective manner.
Premium has proved its ability to fulfill commitments towards providing qualified calibers for Outsourcing. Human outsources are well filtered & chosen upon customers qualification matrix. Calibers are equipped with right knowledge, experience, tools,…etc In this field Premium builds a long & trusted partnership for the benefit Of the customer as well as Premium.
Global experience brings breadth of knowledge. Flexible offering tailored to customer needs. Management interface with customers Evolved and proven processes with flexibility. Planning controls and reporting. Approved standard site configurations. Approved products for advance orders. Site specific engineering packages. Implementation supervision. Quality assurance and control. Environmental Health and Safety on site.
Egypt (Regional Office):- CEO Mohmed Badawy Tel: Fax: Mob.: Sales and Marketing Director Mahmoud Rizk Tel: Fax: Mob.: TECHNICAL Director Mohamed Samir Tel: Fax: Mob.: HR Dina Mohamed Tel: Fax: Mob.: