District Rules of Conduct and Referral/Consequence Structure Building PBS & Behavior Protocols Classroom Teacher’s Behavior Plan EA Behavior Plan
Students shall act in a manner that maximizes the substantial benefits of public education. Students shall accept responsibility for their own behavior. Students shall develop and use problem-solving skills to resolve conflicts. Students shall follow established district, school, and classroom rules. Students shall respect others. Students shall respect the rights and property of others.
You’ve Stepped Up to the Plate, You’re in the Batter’s Box, ~You’ve SHOWN YOU ARE READY TO LEARN~ Great Job Today-A PAWS ticket for you! Can You Hit a Home Run This Week? 123 OUTOUT Warning: Stop Sign, No Home Run Written Behavior Lesson Call Parents 2 Written Behavior Lessons (CP) Referral Principal Visit 3 Strikes-Yikes!
I follow the speaker with my eyes I sit up straight in my seat I look at my teacher and nod my head to show I understand I participate by answering questions I work well with others in groups ( I stay on task and speak respectfully) I respond with hand signals my teacher asks for I am awake and alert I write what I am asked to write when it is time to write I HIT A HOME RUN THIS WEEK! Home Run=No Warnings or Behavior Problems
How To Show I’m Listening: 1. See or Hear Signal 2. Eyes on Speaker 3. Mouths Closed No Blurting, Arguing, or Side Conversations 4. Follow Instructions 5. Remain Seated (In Assigned Seat) RewardsConsequences PBS Bucks Students who are not given any behavior consequences receive a reward at the end of class Random Surprises Popcorn/floats/video/social time/etc. on Friday for classes with 90% of students not having names recorded that week Verbal Warning→ Name Recorded→ Name Circled=Lunch Detention/Call Home/Level 1 Referral→ Counselor/Principal
Does it Help? Is it True? Is it Kind?
SPEAK KINDLY ASK QUESTIONS TO MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND HELP OTHERS FOCUS ON LEARNING TRY TO KEEP YOUR COIN! IF YOU KEEP THESE NORMS, you will be able to hang on to your coin for the whole small group time, then your name (on a popsicle stick) will go into the AWESOME LEARNER JAR and you’ll have a chance to be in a drawing FOR FREE, FUN STUFF, or a POSITIVE MESSAGE or NOTE to your TEACHER (I LIKE YOU & I LIKE MAKING LEARNING FUN!)