Edward Justice, Vanguard Minter, Jason Tucker
Hindus believe a single all powerful ruler who is unseen and is the maker of all that is was and will be. Hindus also believe in karma which is law where anything you do will come back to you, cause and effect, in their beliefs they choose there destiny. Another Hindu belief is reincarnation where your soul goes through many rotations of rebirth until the have completed all there karmas Although Hindus believe in one supreme ruler they still believe in many other minor gods and such as Ganesha, Shiva Durga, Lakshmi and Hanuman.
The primary texts of Hinduism are called the Vedas, there are four Vedas the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. In the Vedas you will find hymns, incantations and rituals from ancient India, the Vedas also contain the Book of the Dead, the Enuma Elish, the I Ching, and the Avesta The Vedas are some of the most ancient texts around today.
In Hinduism a very important ritual is sacrifice although it has changed and developed over time. When someone dies all there holy threads and hair are cut off their clothes are switched to ascetic’s minimal garb, these objects are said to represent the trapping of worldly life and so they are cremated.(the body is not cremated) To the hindu’s death is an important moment in their life because it not only marks the end of life, but t also marks the beginning of of a new life.
“Mother Goddess” worshiped in Indus Valley
Arrival of Aryans in India Development of the Vedas
Epic period and composition of the Upanishads The Laws of Manu Beginning of the Caste system
Beginning of Vedanta system Muslim domination of India
British domination of India Gandhi frees Indians from the British