Each student will choose a person to read and research about them. Expository Writing “Mini Pace”
Requirements: Research using a minimum of 2 sources (Book and Internet) A finalized paper, typed in 12 pt font, Times New Roman, Double Spaced A visual aid to use during presentation Presentation to peers
Research Steps 1. Choose Person—Biography or Autobiography --- Needs to be done by 1/19/12 1. Research Person complete source cards, complete works consulted cards ---Needs to be done by 2/10/12 3. Put all information on an outline ---Needs to be done by 2/17/12 4. Write rough draft of paper (including works consulted page) ---Needs to be done by 2/24/12 5. Go through editing self, peer, parent ---Needs to be done by 2/24/12 6. Type final paper (including cover) ---Needs to be done by 3/9/12 7. Work on Visual Aid ---Needs to be done by 3/16/12 8. Work on Note cards What are the important things you want to share about your paper or Visual Aid? ---Needs to be done by 3/16/10 9. Present to your peers ---Week of 3/19/12-3/22/ PARTY!!!! ---3/23/12
Count Down Until Research is due 37 Total School Days for entire project! 8 school days Until research is complete!
Example of a Note Card Introduction Paragraph Who is the person? What are they known for? What are the things that they are involved in? Is there a special quote that they are known for? Source Card # _________________________________________________________________ Book/ Web Site: _______________________________________________________________ Information: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Source Card # _________________________________________________________________ Book/ Web Site: _______________________________________________________________ Information: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Source Card # _________________________________________________________________ Book/ Web Site: _______________________________________________________________ Information: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ You will need to use all both sources for each topic: IE– you will research the introduction paragraph in the book and on the internet
Outline The purpose of the outline is to arrange the information so that the actual paper is easier to write.
Paper Requirements 5 paragraph expository paper (Introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion) At least 3 pages in length (Rough Draft) Typed in 12 pt font Times New Roman Double Spaced A cover page A works consulted page
Topics to Cover Introduction paragraph will include ○ (Topic Sentence) o What the person in known for Body paragraphs will include ○ (Transition Words) o History of the person: o Birth date, Childhood, Death Date if applicable o Struggles/Problems: o What did this person struggle with? Learning problems, death, bullying, Physical problems? o Accomplishments: o What success has this person had in their lifetime? o Have they won awards? Medals? Prizes? Conclusion paragraph will include: o (Restated Topic Sentence) o Your personal opinion of the person.
Example of Cover Page The Wonderful Place Called Russia Student A Teacher Name Period 4 1/25/2010 Creative title to the paper Name (First and Last) Teacher Last Name Period Date
Example of Works Consulted Page Works Consulted Torchinsky,Oleg, and Angela Black. Cultures of the world copyright 2005 Marshall Cavendish, New York Grolier “Russia” World Book Q/R. 16 copyright 1999, Wikipedia March S:\EMS_SHARED\PACE 8\ \LHMS Works Cited Samples.doc S:\EMS_SHARED\PACE 8\ \LHMS Works Cited Samples.doc
Visual Aid Choices: Please click to see requirements Diorama Diorama Mobile Mobile Poster Poster Timeline Banner Timeline Banner
Speech Cards Students will be required to write and use speech cards during their presentations. This should be information about their person and their visual aid.
Items that will be graded: ** Please see due dates to know when the grade will be taken. **due dates Note Cards Source Cards Rough Draft Editing Final copy Visual Aid Speech Cards Presentations
Presentations Presentations will be about 3-5 minutes in length. Students will give their presentations to small groups, as a result each person will present 4 times. The visual aid and the speech cards are the only things that will be available to the student during presentations.