Energy and Water Data Capturing and Monitoring Data and What It Can Do for You! Southface Lunch and Learn, June 18 th, 2013 Scott Kale – VP Sales, WaterSignal
“How can you manage what you don’t measure?”
Water Usage in Office Buildings
40% Restrooms/Domestic 4
28% Cooling/Heating 5
22% Landscaping 6
A water conservation plan requires continous monitoring and accurate data.
Meter reading is time-consuming and can be inaccurate. Who reads the meters after- hours and on weekends?
Existing Buildings – Operations and Maintenance Requires whole building water metering as prerequisite of certification Meter data must be recorded for 5 years for re- certification Compiled into monthly / annual summaries New LEED Water Efficiency
WaterSignal helps reduce the cost and mitigate the risk of water leaks while providing critical data analysis to help manage water consumption.
TECHNOLOGY Real-time water monitoring Proactive water management No software needed – all data accessed via the internet Sends immediate electronic alerts when excessive water consumption is detected Customized alert levels (M-F, after hours, SAT-SUN) Graphs and data analysis - LEED
Measures magnetic pulses from any water meter including domestic, irrigation, and cooling towers Calibrated to mirror meter reading No interference with utility meter Non-invasive (no plumbing) Self-contained (battery, wireless) NEMA-6 rated Serviced and maintained by WaterSignal DEVICE FOR SINGLE OR COMPOUND METER
Commercial Dashboard
Domestic Meter – Daily Usage
Domestic Meter – Hourly Usage
Customized Alert Levels, Data Analysis
Multiple Alert Notifications
Irrigation Meter – Daily Usage Leak Rainfall
Irrigation Meter – Hourly Usage Leak
Cooling Tower Make-Up Meter – Daily Usage
Cooling Tower Make-Up Meter – Hourly Usage Cooling Tower Leak (Float Valve Stuck)
Cooling Tower Make-Up Meter – Hourly Usage
Cooling Tower Blow Down Meter – Daily Usage
Cooling Tower Blow Down Meter – Hourly Usage
SERVICE INCLUDES: Install monitoring/communication device Calibration of WaterSignal device to water meter Alerts of catastrophic leaks via SMS text and/or Detailed water usage graphs and data Dashboard to view present and past usage online across portfolio
CONTACT INFORMATION: Scott Kale (770) cell