9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June EuroSpec providing the foundations to maximise the use of GIS
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June A story of interoperability… I can obtain, for a price, data via this media and according to this model …
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June a story … I can obtain, for a price, data via this media and according to this model … … but I could read it only in that format …
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June a story … Clever I am (I am a developer) I purchased this extra development kit …
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June a story … Clever I am (I am a developer) I purchased this extra development kit … … and managed to get the data into my system, but it’s unreliable and there are significant losses in the transfer.
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June a story … So I went to a professional consultant, who sold me sophisticated tools …
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June a story … So I went to a professional consultant, who sold me sophisticated tools … … as well as he sold me his much needed assembling skills and support service …
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June a story … Finally, I got a decent data flow, in a reasonably safe and professional set-up …
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June a story … Finally, I have a decent data flow, in a reasonably safe and professional set-up … … but at a significant cost and not readily reusable in a different environment.
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June a story … What I would have liked is an immediately (inter)operable interface …
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June a story … What I would have liked is an immediately (inter)operable interface … … at low cost, and usable in many different environment.
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June EuroGeographics Vision Achieve interoperability of European mapping (and other GI) data within 10 years
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June The 12 INSPIRE policy principles (1) The European Spatial Data Infrastructure shall be built upon a network of National Spatial Data Infrastructures; INSPIRE’s technical architecture shall be designed to meet the needs of all stakeholders; Datasets made available to harmonised data specifications and to common standards; Data Quality procedures to ensure fitness for purpose and use; Discovery metadata will be made available at no charge to help users identify and locate INSPIRE datasets; Reference data will provide the underpinning framework to which all other INSPIRE data will be referenced.
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June The 12 INSPIRE policy principles (2) Thematic data will be made available to common standards; INSPIRE data shall be made available for access and view without charge and on harmonised terms and conditions throughout the European Union; Sustainable funding and investment mechanisms shall be put in place and maintained by Member States; Harmonised licensing framework will optimise sharing and trading of georeferenced thematic information; Unimpeded flow of data and information at local, regional, national and international; Management and organisation of INSPIRE shall be based on the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June Include here the vision graphics
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June Achieving the vision : metadata The first step History : GDDD since 1996 ‘modernisation’ in progress, synergies with INSPIRE portal, and national initiatives
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June Achieving the vision : Pricing & Licensing Rationale : –There is no value of the harmonised data if customers are not able access and to use it Objectives : –Create licensing terms similar enough to remove legal obstacles to regional/European products –Comparable pricing policy - not similar prices Issues of data access, usage and dissemination terms are considered on the same priority (if not higher) than the work on the common specifications
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June EuroSpec Vision DB A DB B DB C ISO EuroSpec Pricing & Licensing policy Euro Metadata Users Legal Framework Euro Reference Data Own data
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June EuroSpec objectives Develop agreed specifications (data content and data model ) for common reference data; Build a community of key stakeholders (including customers, system and application developers, and other project partners) and involve them in the development and implementation testing of the specifications;
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June EuroSpec objectives (cont’d) Test the feasibility of implementing the specifications through development of prototypes - “ to learn by doing”; and, Develop implementation guidelines for NMAs to ensure national datasets can be transformed to the European specification(s).
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June Scope (content) Common Reference Data –Units of administration –Units of property rights (parcels, buildings) –Addresses –Selected topographic themes (hydrography, transport, height,…) –Orthoimagery –Gazetteer –Coordinate systems
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June Scope (resolution) Feature catalogue –Scale-less Data structure, data models –Focus on large scale (1:10.000) –Address other required scale ranges Medium : 1:25k ~ 1:50k Small : 1:100k ~ 1:1M –Options, issues Object based, unique identifier Connected topology, shared topology, Edge matching 3D, time stamp
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June State of the art (1) Most reference data components are available in Europe, provided by an average of 2 organisations per country
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June Total of 68 organiza- tions in 26 countries Producers of reference data sets
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June State of the art (2) Most reference data components are available in Europe, provided by an average of 2 organisations per country Most larger scale national ‘topographic’ databases are at scale 1:10.000
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June Scale of topographic databases Note1: Switzerland has also 60 % of data in scale 1:1000 Note2: GB has several scales (29 % 1:1250, 68 % 1:2500, 3 % 1:10000)
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June State of the art (3) Most reference data components are available in Europe, provided by an average of 2 organisations per country Most larger scale national ‘topographic’ databases are at scale 1: Topographic data is generally not object based, but there is a definite trend to change towards object based structures National DBs are generally not based on international standards.
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June Seamless Administrative Boundaries of Europe –The first European commercial product from NMAs –It was started in 1992: v1991, v1995, v1997, 2001 Census (released Feb 2003) –The most detailed admin. units from “official sources” –Cross-border data with uniform structure and in one reference system –32 countries Early steps : SABE
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June Early steps : EuroGlobalMap Global (1:1m) scale Network approach to creation through regional coordinators Target for delivery: –June 2003 ~ 20 countries –End 2003 ~ countries
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June Early steps : EuroRegionalMap Regional/national scale (1:250k) Prototype dataset covering 7 countries Target for delivery is October 2003 Aim to expand coverage
9th EC-GIS, A Corona, 26th June